Literary analysis: the albatross and a rose for Emily

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This poem is structured by 4 quartets of 14 syllables, Alexandrine art major and rhyme predominates.
The title is emblematic and symbolic at the same time, emblematic because it suggests something is going to speak, is this case of the albatross, which is a sea bird, with a kinship to the gull, but the albatross has larger wings more 2 meters, short trunk and wide white collar, and is symbolic because it will symbolize something of the albatross.
It is a well-known poem is one of the most celebrated of Baudelaire and the one that represents you, will want to play in the romantic poet albatross understanding with society.
Entering the poem, the first stanza, there are two elements, people and marine albatross. People navy after being at sea a long time (months), they get bored and kill boredom captured albatrosses. This bird does not assaulted or emotionally to fishermen but just go with it, the albatross symbolizes the poet and marine people to society.
Baudelaire symbolizes the albatross as the Romantic poet because rl bird likes to speak freely, live in the air, in a world apart, is an observer, accompanying society, seen from its height, from their world from their perspective.
In the second stanza speaks of the birds in the sky, the air was heavy, big, beautiful, become shy and awkward when taken out of their world, their wings in the air served n the land ye were useless, hinder, this feels great despite being insignificant, do not know what it is clumsy, all they do sailors do mischief, to have fun and kill time.
When the company achieves out of his world, the poet feels that is his world, does not share the same values, is out of context, all his poetry, his imagination is useless in the materialistic world, so does the bird, big wings symbolize freedom for peace.
In the third stanza, using a metaphor to describe the albatross', Winged travelers. That miserable bird image contrasts with the other one was the king. The bird and the poet feel awkward weak to fight all exposed to criticism and ridicule, it gets a bit ugly, funny, ridiculous for society. For wickedness burns the bird's beak with a pipe, and no means to feed the society tries to silence the poet, to prevent freely express your feelings. The barn is transformed into a sick society, which should be removed because society wants to reject the spiritual side, only serves the material.
The fourth stanza speaks of the poet that explains all the symbolism, which is what he was doing what he wanted. There is a comparison and a metaphor, a poet's side comparison with the king of the clouds, with the bird, and on the other, the metaphor of the bird, because he identifies with the king of the clouds, is sovereign, is the ruling, which is superior in its world suffers. Use a personificación goalkeeper laughs when he says, when in his world, the bird is higher and gives the love of laughter, teasing, because he feels the same goes above the poet. It's not just the conflict in the society with the poet, the poet in society too, when their world is also despises society, scoffs because the materialist sees. When the bird is forced to leave their world feels exiled, lost, as it is useless, annoying him and bother the bird wings on the cover, makes them easy targets for mockery and criticism of the others.
And we concluded that the poet, through symbolism, attempt to compare the poet with the albatross, based on freedom, force, energy that both have to stay in their world, not mixed, not down the materialistic world. The other comparison is heaven for bird its habitat, poetry for the poet is his world, while the weakness and misery felt by both when they are forced to live in society when they are forced to leave their world. Traffic from the first time, the theme of boredom, as a society, and men can get to practice the evil of boredom.

The story A Rose for Emily written by William Faulkner (1897-1962), born in the U.S.

This story belongs to the genre of narrative, at the time of S XX, the second section, this has three chapters.
The title is symbolic (pink), eponymous (presents the character's name), symbolic (because it anticipates something that will happen later).
Chapter I begins with the presentation of the protagonist, Miss Emily appears to us saying that he is dead.
Emily represents the south, racism, discrimination, belonged to high society and aristocracy.
... The whole town was the funeral .... Out of curiosity, there is something mysterious.
fallen monument, metaphor, with the ideals she dies, they are presented as important, belongs the aristocracy.
We also presented to an old servant, this appears not inominacion name appears with the ideology of Miss Emily, introduced the concept of slavery.
When you start the description dela thing (one on the street), I get a stamp in time ... that time ... backwards ... that once were our main street ... now it is not, is somehow what was she (Emily) who also is in the past, Emily stayed in time as the house, Emily does not adapt to the new company, her life is also impaired.
... Our ..., plural narrator represents the collective feelings of the inhabitants of Jefferson, the town is fictional. 'm Not deleting anything from the past ... until the August names of that neighborhood was only Emily's house ... the city moving and she is stuck.
Return to this and now .... Even after death is in the upper class.
... ... Graves of soldiers in the battle of Jefferson.
Preposteración, a time stamp on Miss Emily in life ...
that day in 1894 ...; Coror; are a runner, is also identified with the ideology of Miss Emily, is not created in the text, the title character gives him a Faulkner novel. Coro is responsible for having exempted the father of Emily of taxes, here comes the importance dela word, not sign any documents.
The episode of taxes once again mark remains frozen in time, because it takes like certain words, is unaware that Coror is dead, to be isolated, and not spend time for Emily.
Antithesis, opposition, among the new generation of more modern ideas and ideals of the conservatives.
On New Year ... ... February ... get ... a week later ... the time is linear in the episode of taxes.
... Archaic signature role ... fine print ... ... pale ink, these q tells us is old.
Miss Emily is altica, is arrogant and indifferent. ... No comment ...
A new preposteración, since she holds to give lessons in painting on porcelain of eight or ten years ago ...
The society has neglected, the rejected by their ideologies, she is separated voluntarily.
It takes up the character of the principle has the servant.
Parallels between her home, her description of the room were heavy furniture ...
The father image is maintained in the central hall remains after death, also tries to stop time.
We present the physical picture, fat, short, little skeleton often.
Looked swollen, like a charged body immersed in still water, comparison.
Symbols of the past, gold chain, ebony cane with gold handle. Emily felt in the past but the only thing left is the stick and the chain, so she passed the time.
At the end of the chapter, a dialog with the authorities.
It asks them to feel, show distance. For someone who does not spend time, it is strange to keep a watch a chain, shows irony here.
His voice was dry and cold, indifferent and is again anchored in time, she only says it has no tax to pay.
Miss Emily, always high, called the servant Tobe! to accompany the gentlemen, here comes his arrogance.

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