List of Irregular Verbs and Their Past Participles

Classified in English

Written at on English with a size of 1.04 KB.

  • Be - Been
  • Beat - Beaten
  • Become - Become
  • Begin - Begun
  • Bend - Bent
  • Bet - Bet
  • Bite - Bitten
  • Bleed - Bled
  • Blow - Blown
  • Break - Broken
  • Bring - Brought
  • Build - Built
  • Burn - Burnt
  • Buy - Bought
  • Catch - Caught
  • Choose - Chosen
  • Come - Come
  • Cost - Cost
  • Cut - Cut
  • Dig - Dug
  • Do - Done
  • Draw - Drawn
  • Dream - Dreamt
  • Drink - Drunk
  • Drive - Driven
  • Eat - Eaten
  • Fall - Fallen
  • Feed - Fed
  • Feel - Felt
  • Fight - Fought
  • Find - Found
  • Fly - Flown
  • Forget - Forgotten
  • Forgive - Forgiven
  • Freeze - Frozen
  • Get - Got
  • Give - Given
  • Go - Gone
  • Grow - Grown
  • Hang - Hanged
  • Have - Had
  • Hear - Heard
  • Hide - Hidden
  • Hit - Hit
  • Hold - Held
  • Hurt - Hurt
  • Keep - Kept
  • Know - Known
  • Lay - Laid
  • Lead - Led

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