Legal Terminology and Criminal Justice System

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Legal Terminology

ARRAIGN OR BE ARRAIGNED: acusar o ser acusado, COUNSEL: consejo, COMBINED: conjunto, POTENTIALLY; TAXPAYERS: contribuyente, STATE: estado, RARELY; PAROLED: lib. condicional, ADDING: añadiendo, HEALTH; CARE: cuidado, INMATES: recluso, "TOUGH ON CRIME": difícil en el crimen, FULL; LESS: menos, WARMER: +calido, TURN OFF: apagar, TURN DOWN: rechazar, UNPLUG: desenchufar, THROW AWAY: tirar la basura, PUT ON: ponerse, MORE: mas, TAKE OFF: quitarse, TURN UP: aparecer, PLUG IN: enchufar, KEEP: guardar, COLDER: +frio, EMPTY: vacío, RELEASE: lanzamiento, ALLOWED: permitido, GUARANTEES: garantía, SPENT; AVAILABLE: disponible, LEAD: dirigir, DEEP: profundo, ARMED=ROBERRY: robo a mano armada, PAROLE BOAR: Junta de lib., TECHNICAL PROBLEM, DISTRICT ATTORNEY: fiscal de distrito, GUILTY: culpable, APPEAR IN COURT: comparecer ante un tribunal, APPEAL AGAINST TO ROB: usando sus armas para robar, MURDER, SEVERAL TIME: varias veces, EACH TIME: cada vez, ATTORNEY: abogado, COURT: corte, EARLIR: + temprano, MIGHT BE: podría ser, DURING; WROTE; LAWYER; DIE; DEATH; KILL; ROW: fila, HAS LED TO THE RELEASE: ha llevado a liberar, CALLING: vocacion, HAPPENING IN OUR COURTS: sucediendo nuestros tribunales, NO LONGER WANT TO PASS: ya no quieren, NOT MATCH EITHER MAN: no coinciden con ninguno de los hombres, COUNTY: condado, WRONG PERSON; SUPPORT: apoyo, TO DELAY: para retrasar, TRUST; BUT STOPP: pero deja de, AMENDENT: enmienda; COUPLE; TRAINED: entrenado, AFRAID: asustado, DURING; HUSBAND; SICK; LYING:mentira, NEIGHBOUR; SURPRISE; ILL; RING; SEVERAL: varios, WEEK; FEW:poco, SOON: pronto, NECT; FINALLY; PROVE: probar, AGREE: de acuerdo, NEITHER: ninguno, POISONED: envenedo, SON; SEDDMED: sedado, SEEM: parecer, SAIL: vela, CHASE: persecución; PUNISHMENT; ALTHOUGH: a pesar de que, WHETER: si ... FOREIGN: exterior, BE ABLE TO: ser capaz de, STARING: curioso, Late; HAD NEW GONE: había desaparecido, LAUGHED; FOOTPRINTS; WAITED; HURRIEAD: apresurado; STOLEN; HIDDEN; EMPTY FRAME: marco vacío, COURTYARD: patio, THIEF, NOISE; UNLOCKED, DOOR KNOB: pomo puerta, CROWD: multitud TOWARDS: hacia, JURY; ROPE LADDER: escalera de cuerda, JAIL: carcelarios, EVEN THOUGH: aunque, LIKELY: probable, ABROADS: en el extranjero, WITNESS; DESPITE THE FACT THAT: a pesar de que, BALACLAVAS: pasa montaña

Court Procedures

DRIVE UP: to force to go up // FURTHER: to a greater degree or extent // ENSURE: to make sure that something happens // DAY RELEASE : a system of allowing someone days off work for education // AMENDMENT: a small change or improvement that is made to a law // HALF-WAY HOUSE: a place where prisoners can stay for a short time after leaving a prison or hospital, before they start to live on their own again // BARS: in prison // CUT BACK: to reduce something // TO JAIL: to put somebody in prison // HARSH: cruel, severe and unkind // RANGE: a variety of things of a particular type // TOUGH: the opposite of ‘soft’

Law Enforcement

ON THE BRINK: when you are almost in a very dangerous situation // OVERCROWDING: the situation when there are too many people or things in one place // AMID: in the middle of or during something // DESPITE: without being affected by // LIKELY: probably or expected // DECLINE: a continuous decrease in the number, value, quality of something // INCREASE: a rise in the amount, number or value of something // POLICY: a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc

INCREASE: to become or to make something greater in amount / MEANS: a method or way of doing something / YACHT: yate/ PROVIDE FOR: to give somebody the things that they need to live / APPROACH: a way of doing or thinking about something such as a problem/ MAKE UP: to form something/ WAGE: to fight or organize a series of activities/ LENIENT: not severe/ GRANT: to give or allow someone something/ BAIL: money paid to a court so that someones/ RATE: the number of times something happens during (tasa)/ CRACK DOWN: to start dealing with bad or ilegal behaviour/ SMUGGLER: a person who takes goods into or out a country illegally/ PETTY: small and unimportant/ LED: caused someone to do or think something/DEALING: a person or company that is buying and selling things/ CHARGE: a formal police statement saying / COMPOUND: to make a problem or difficult situation/ CALLS: a resquest or a demand for somebody to do something/ UNDERFUNDED: not having enough money to spend, with the result that it cannot fuction well

RAPIST: a person who forces somebody to have sex when they do not want to/ IMPOSE: to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc./ INCENTIVE: something that makes you want to do something or to work harder/ TRADE: the activities of buying and selling goods or services/ PIRACY: the crime of making and selling illegal copies of sofware, books, videos, or CDs/ VIRTUALLY: estimate; to guess the size, amount, etc. of something/ BE JUDGED:to send somebody to prison, to a mental hospital, etc/ BEHIND BARS: in prison/ COUNSELLING: professional advice about a problem/ PUT AWAY: almost, so that any slight difference is not important/ CHAIN: a series of connected things or people/ SPREAD: to gradually affect a larger area/ BACKGROUND: the type of family, social position, or culture that someone comes from/ MEANWHILE: in the time between two things happening, or while something else is happening/ AMONG: in a particular group (entre)/ CONVICTION: the fact of having been found guilty

CARRY: to take somebody/something from one place to another // HOLDING CENTRE: a place where somebody is kept and not allowed leave // REMAND: in prison before your trial // RATE: the number of times something happens in a period // LOCK UP: to put someone in prison // TWICE: two times; on two occasions // VESSEL: a large ship or boat // FOREIGNER: someone from another country // ALONG WITH: in addition to somebody/something // AWAIT: to wait for somebody/something

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