Law 19983 on

Classified in History

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31. The ____ Amendment made slavery unconstitutional and illegal.

-13th amendment        

32. The _____ Amendment stated that states could not take away the rights of citizens without due process of the law.

-14th amendment

33. The ____ Amendment allowed all men to vote regardless of race.

-15th amendment

34. Name several things on which the North and South disagreed after the Civil War

35. What was “the bloodiest battle” of the Civil War?

-Maryland’s battle of Antietam

36. In what battle did the most soldiers die?   

-Battle of Gettysburg

37. Which was the last state to join the Confederacy?

-north carolina

38. What did Civil War soldiers use as early versions of dog tags?

-pinning of their names on their uniforms

39.The prosperity of the South was built around what single crop?


40. Clara Barton, a nurse during the Civil War, founded what organization

-The red cross

41. Discussion Question:
What advantages did the North have that the South did not have or did not use to help them win?
What advantage did the South have that made it seem most likely that they would win the war?

-the north had industry, man power, the telegraph, and transportation, and fire power. Lincoln could receive messages about the war using the telegraph, and send war orders back. The many railroad routes allowed the union to quickly transport men and weapons. The south had the belief in the rightness of its cause

42. Which three Southern states lost the highest number of soldiers?

-Virginia, north carolina, south carolina

43. Discussion Question
What did the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments pass into law?

-The 13th Amendment made slavery unconstitutional and illegal. The 14th amendment stated that states could not take the rights of citizens without due process of law. The 15th amendment allowed all men to vote regardless of skin color.

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