Key Philosophical and Scientific Concepts: Definitions and Explanations

Classified in Philosophy and ethics

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Humanization: This evolutionary process occurred alongside hominization. It refers to the behavioral changes experienced by the same species included in the hominization process.

Humanism: Artistic and intellectual movement originating in Europe during the Renaissance. It defended free spirit and championed the abilities of human reason and intuition in the fields of philosophy, science, and art. Humanism avoided syllogistic methodology and dogmas that tried to control human creativity.

Inertia: Property of all bodies that keeps them at rest or in rectilinear motion, as long as that state is not changed by an external force.

Monotheism: Religious belief that affirms the existence of only one god who controls and governs all of reality.

Multiculturalism: Cultural phenomenon that involves the coexistence of cultural groups, which have very different origins, within the same society.

Objective Knowledge: Knowledge of reality as it really is, without being compromised or distorted by subjective knowledge.

Pantheism: This philosophical doctrine involves identifying god with nature. It affirms the divine nature of reality in its entirety. It can, therefore, be considered a form of monism.

Person: A person is an individual substance of rational nature. When we use this term, we are also referring to the uniqueness and dignity of each individual, which compel us to treat him or her always as an end and never as a means to an end. It also refers to the temporary nature of his or her existence and to his or her need for others to coexist with.

Philosophical Anthropology: Branch of anthropology that reflects on the most essential characteristics of human beings.

Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary physics theory that states that energy is not released and absorbed in a continuous manner. Instead, energy is released and absorbed in discrete quantities known as quanta.

Sensitivity: Cognitive faculty that allows us to receive information from the outside world through the stimulation of the sense organs.

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