Key Institutions and Treaties in International Relations

Classified in History

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(h2)Which is the only directly elected organ of the EU? When were the last elections? And the next ones? (h3)The EU parliament, elected every 5 years, 2014 last elections, 2019 next(h2)Which four institutions of the EU play the most important role in the decision-making process? (h3)The European Parliament, European Commission, European Council and the Council of the European Union (Ministers)(h2)What does art. 5 of the Washington Treaty outline? When was it invoked in the past? When could it be invoked in the future? (h3)Art. 5 of Washington Treaty outlines the alliance of members when it comes to defense: The principle of collective security; It was invoked after 9/11. The Washington Treaty is the founding Treaty of NATO. NATO has taken collective defence measures on several occasions, for instance in response to the situation in Syria and in the wake of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Art. 5 can be invoked again if there is an attack to one of the 28 members of the organization. (h2)For what reasons may State's create (or join) IGOs? Give examples. (h3)They join for Status, Political Clout, Security Guarantees, Economic Benefits, Identity and Culture. Examples of IGOs: United Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, World Bank, and etc. (h2)Which countries joined the NATO in 1997? (h3)In 1997 three former countries of the Warsaw pact joined NATO: Hungary, Czech Republic and Poland (currently 28 members) (h2)Explain Alexander Wendt’s statement: “Anarchy is what states make of it…” (h3)It outlined a constructive approach of international relations theory. It means that anarchy is not something given, but rather it is socially constructed. It is what states make of it. (h2)Explain the characteristics of the League of Nation’s mandate system. (h3)The mandate system was a compromise between the Allies’ wish to retain the former German and Turkish colonies and their pre-Armistice declaration (November 5, 1918) that annexation of territory was not their aim in the war. The mandates were divided into three groups on the basis of their location and their level of political and economic development and were then assigned to individual Allied victors. It was then replaced by the Trusteeship council in 1945.

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