Key Events in Modern History

Classified in History

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1492 (Colon discovered America)

1701-1713 (Spanish War of Succession)

1750 (Industrial revolution started)

1766 (Matxinada of Azpeitia and Azkoitia, Wheat)

1780-1850 (1st industrial revolution)

18th century (Enlightenment ideas)

1789 (The French revolution started + tome the bastille)

1791 (Women rights)

1792 (French republic was established + The war of convention)

1793 (Louis XVI was guillotined)

1799-1804 (Consolate)

1804-1814 (Directory)

1812 (The 1st constitution of Spain was established)

1815 (The congress of Vienna)

1820, 1830, 1848 (The revolution in Europe, 1848 spring of nation)

1850-1945 (2nd industrial revolution)

1874 (The Spanish first republic)

1914 (Assassination in Sarajevo)

1914-1918 (WW1)

1917 (Russian Revolution)

1919 (Treaty of Versailles)

1925 (Fascism development in Italy)

1929 (Wall Street Crash)

1931 (Second republic of Spain + women achieve vote Spain)

1936-193 (Spanish Civil War)

1936 (Military Coup d’etat + The Basque government)

1937 (The bombing of Gernika)

1939-1945 (WW2)

1945 (Hiroshima, first nuclear bomb + UN + Yalta and Potsdam)

1945-2010 (3rd industrial revolution)

1946 (Iron curtain)

1946-49 (Greek civil war)

1947 (Truman doctrine)

1945-91 (Cold War)

1948 (Czechoslovak coup d'etat + Marshall plan)

48-49 (Berlin Blockade)

49 (NATO + Soviet nuclear bomb)

50-53 (Korean war)

55 (Warsaw pact)

55-75 (Vietnam War)

56 (Hungarian uprising)

61-89 (Berlin wall)

62 (Cuban missile crisis)

68 (Invasion of Czechoslovakia)

79-89 (Invasion of Afghanistan)

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