Key Business Concepts: Production, Power, and Growth
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Key Business Concepts
The amount of product developed in a time period is called Production Volume.
Power based on existing standards, agreements, and contracts within a distribution channel is Legitimate Power.
Decisions concerning new product development are made at the Direction Level.
Growth through acquisition, absorption, and corporate control is called Financial Growth.
Badwill is the opposite of Goodwill.
Growth based on decisions that avoid mistakes is called Despite Minimum Criteria.
A periodic survey using a permanent sample to answer questions at regular intervals is called a Panel.
Optimization models are Analytical Models.
Autocratic leaders make all decisions without consulting their subordinates.
The principle in graph theory that prohibits two arrows from the same node with the same destination is Univoque Appointment.
Every executive should (None of the following is correct: Concentrate only on small daily problems, know all the technical aspects of work that directs, avoid taking risks).
The method of expert cost comparison is (None of the following is correct: Investments, Value of calculating the return on investments, Evaluate the equipment).
Flow analysis in a process primarily focuses on eliminating delays and storage.
Standardizing means sorting products into homogeneous groups.
A document specifying job objectives, responsibilities, training needs, and working conditions is (None is correct: Analysis of the job specification, Design work post).
Dividing a company's maneuver bottom by its own resources yields The Equity Ratio in Circulation.
The following is NOT a reason for the method of assessment of German companies to be alone substantial value added half of goodwill (Correct: uncertainty by affecting the determination of goodwill, by maintaining a prudent valuation principle, because the buyer to make an effort similar to that carried out the seller to maintain the fund. The error is: Because we have to add superrendimientos).
Investment profitability in a demand is its Required Performance.
The opportunity cost of using obsolete equipment compared to more advanced technology is called Inferiority Service Cost.
Coordinating demand oscillations with production possibilities using resources like labor is planned In the Medium Term.
The start of the marketing mix, where decisions depend on each other, is (None of the following is correct: Restriction interdependency, feedback).
A simple investment is divided into Pure and Mixed.