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GAME GROUP AS FORGED DL. phases: 1 building dl group presentation games (simple games, approach and physical contact, not assessment) of knowledge: (appreciation of differences, appreciation dla experience and expertise, not assessed) d affirmation (affirmation dl dl individual and group DAYS awareness limitations, highlight strengths, to stop assessing the difficulties) of confidence (d Acttitude promotes solidarity, readiness to work together, in silence, evaluation, impact on the individual and the group) 2nd: person dla involve socialization, games From cooperation (needed a boost, not competition, d motivation through creativity, breaking the I win you lose) 3rd: GOD need rest, games d communication, emotion, expression d body.The problems in the absence d homogeneous groups because of the education received at home, racism ... this causes little reflection about the q group addresses a very efficient methodology, motivating, and games to pass the time.
TRADITIONAL GAME CONCEPT D; Those who have participated in a process of data transmis ny that has been sustained for a certain historical period rich "PEOPLE:" I play that is deeply rooted in a given area and local people practiced it, whether in general or in a sector of the populati n particular.
I PLAY SPORTS STEP DL: 1st stage: second stage juego.2: popular.3 º stadium game: popular game-tradicional.4 th stage: the popular game-popular traditional sport-tradicional.5 second stage: second stage tradicional.6 popular sport: sport ctono autonomous.

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