Journalism Genres: News, Opinion, and Hybrid Forms

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Interpretative Journalism

The News

Objective stories without comment or intervention of the issuer (impersonal), novel facts or events of general interest. Narrative. Variable length, short or long.


  • Body of Headlines: Minor (title only) and highest (pre-title or subtitle). Summarize objectively.
  • Input: The first paragraph, the key event. The 6 Ws, six questions to which the first paragraph has to answer. Sometimes highlighted with capital letters.
  • Body of the News: Data development. Can take two forms:
    • Inverted Pyramid Structure: Data or ideas in order of importance, 1 being the most interesting.
    • Chronological Narrative: Progress chronologically from the beginning to the end.
    • Mixed Story: Mixture of the above.

The Feature

Broad, informative, comprehensive, explanatory, and well-founded information.

  1. Choice of the topic of interest to the reader.
  2. Documentation, interview the actors.
  3. Research, seeks to discover new data.
  4. Contrast data, verify the veracity of the information.
  5. Final draft, and signed, the style of the journalist will be more personal. You should avoid self-judgment, evaluative adjectives, or any form of subjectivity.


Journalist conversation with someone, reports (of interest) or personality (person).

  • Presentation: The presenter indicates the issue they are going to talk about.
  • Development: Questions and answers.

Opinion Makers

  • Editorial

    Reflects the position of the medium prior to the most relevant events. Argumentative text which presents the assessment of the newspaper about a current issue. Tries to create public opinion. Appearance of objectivity, but he who writes openly prefers to show the ideology of the frequency with which he assumes that the reader will agree. Not signed. They have no fixed structure even if some narrative and argumentative structuring are free. It ends with the decision or conclusion.

  • Opinion Article

    Personality of intellectual relevance. Freedom. Opinions are the writer's responsibility, structure, and free style. Short essay.

  • Column

    Subgenre of the opinion piece. Short and regular basis. Meeting point between writer and reader.

  • Letters to the Editor

    Unidirectional, single space, the newspaper in which readers become issuers of opinion. Although informational messages are sent to the director, he addresses his readers too. Themes and varied purposes. Very short text in which the reader condenses their ideas and their publication rests with the director.

Hybrid Genre

Those that combine novel information on developments with the view on them.

  • Chronicle (Subjective)

    Prepared by a permanent correspondent or a special envoy to the scene. Shares structural features with news and reportage, adding an evaluative component. You usually have the body structure and orderly entry in an inverted pyramid. Analysis of antecedents and consequences, evidence, data, providing explanatory burden. The reporter says what happened in a subjective way. Always signed. Some first-person style and freedom. Topic varies.

  • Criticism (Cultural Pages)


    1. Informs the reader of the celebration of cultural events.
    2. Discusses significant aspects of these works to help the reader see the movie.
    3. The critic makes informed judgments about the quality of the work.

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