Introduction to Construction Projects

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What is a Project?

A project is a single, complex, unique task that is limited in costs and time and has predefined goals and assigned resources. It starts from an idea that needs to be prepared and planned, then performed to achieve a goal within a fixed cost/time/quality arrangement. A project is a temporary enterprise, characterized by a high intensity of human and material resources, unique aims, unique participants, and unique tools.

Project Participants

Direct Participants:

  • Client
  • Designer (Architect, Structural Engineer, Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer)
  • Contractor (General Contractor, Subcontractors)

Indirect Participants:

  • Authorities (Public Services)
  • Financing Organizations
  • Insurance Companies

External Participants:

  • Public
  • Media

Phases of a Construction Project

5 Phases:

  1. Inception Phase - Initiation
  2. Preliminary Analysis
  3. Feasibility Study (Project Preparation and Planning)
  4. Tendering + Contract (Preparation of Implementation)
  5. Construction Phase
  6. Running-in/Handover
  7. Operation and Maintenance (Project End)

7 Phases:

  1. Inception Phase - Initiation
  2. Preliminary Analysis
  3. Feasibility Study (Project Preparation and Planning)
  4. Tendering (Preparation of Implementation)
  5. Contract (Preparation of Implementation)
  6. Construction Phase
  7. Running-in/Handover
  8. Operation and Maintenance (Project End)

Project Preparation Period Activities

  • Initiation
  • Preliminary Brief: List the client's wishes and ideas about the building based on findings from the pre-feasibility study. This includes the program of the building (rooms and functions), preliminary analysis (quality/quantity), and feasibility study.
  • Feasibility Study Information:
    • General limiting conditions (budget, deadline, code requirements, community values)
    • General building costs (by occupancy type, by location)
    • General forms of construction (which are appropriate?)

Planning Period Activities

Performed by architects, engineers, and consultants:

  1. Preliminary drawings and models
  2. Proposed design
  3. Detailed drawings
  4. Written specifications
  5. Goal: To completely describe the desired construction
  6. Rough/preliminary cost estimate
  7. Draft schedule
  8. Preliminary Design: General building size and form, selected basic construction and type of structural system, general use of materials.
  9. Definitive Design: Layouts of plans and elevations, selection of essential control dimensions and modules, description of basic materials and products.
  10. Information Required: General planning requirements, reasonable alternatives for the basic construction, unit costs (selected systems and materials, construction details appropriate to design goals and choices for materials and products, dimension and planning modules).

Preparation of Implementation Period Activities

When getting approval by authorities and public services, a building permit (according to regulations) is issued. Then, it's possible to proceed with the implementation period.

  • Detail design
  • Documentation for tendering (tender set of drawings)
  • Documentation for construction
  • Tendering
  • Getting a bid from the contractor
  • Choosing from several possible contractors
  • Signing the contract
  • Set of contract documents
  • Complete construction details
  • Complete specifications (precise descriptions of quality and performance requirements)
  • Typical questions for final design:
    • What specific material or product is to be used for a given item of the construction?
    • What specific data must be recorded to completely identify a chosen material or product for design purposes?
    • What are appropriate details for the construction of various elements of the building?
  • Qualification/prequalification
  • Tendering:
    • Open tender
    • Restricted tender (depending on the number of contractors invited)
    • Negotiated tender
  • Contracting
  • Final cost estimate, cost plan
  • General time plan, detailed time plan
  • Construction site plans

Construction Period Activities

  • Planning/controlling the plot/time/costs
  • Erecting the building according to the plans
  • Supervision of construction
  • Running-in; Handover - Takeover
  • Managing resources:
    • Labor
    • Materials
    • Machinery
    • Money
  • Managing changes
  • Acceptable range for performance and alternatives
  • Managing time
  • Verification of time schedules
  • Managing quality
  • Procedures for inspections, tests, certifications, etc.

Project End Period Activities

  • Operation and maintenance of the building:
    • Setting up and operating a Facility Management System
  • Selling/renting the building:
    • Users' needs
  • Evaluation of the project - Benchmarking:
    • Comparing with other closed projects
    • Feedback for future projects
    • Post-occupancy evaluation

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