
Classified in English

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Blackmail:chantaje - blackmailer - to blackmail
Bribery:soborno - // - to bribe
Burglary: robo... - burglar - to break in
Fraud: fraude - to commit fraud
Hijacking:tomarse avion - hijacker - to hijack
Kisnnaping:secuestro - kidnapper - to kidnap
Mugging:asalto - mugger - to mug
Murder: asesinato - murderer - to murder
Rape:violacion - rapist - to rape
Robbery:robo... - robber - to rob
Smuggling:contrabando - smuggler - to smuggle
Terrorism: terrorismo - terrorist - to set off bombs
Theft:robo... - thief - to steal
Vandalism:vandalismo - vandal - to vandalize

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