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We had been driving
For four hours when we saw the sign for a small hotel and decided to stop us.
It was a small hotel with few lights, he didn't seem the best place in the
World, but we had to adapt to the situation. Inside, there was only one person.
I had white skin and not was very sociable. We went to the reception and there
They gave us our room key. This site should be 20 years, the elevator had a
List of the rules of the hotel, put: you mustn’t be noise at night, you mustn’t
Leave the room from the midnight. Just below this phrase was: there are
Vampires! Not we did this case since the person who wrote it probably would be
A joke. When we entered the room, we found that no one would ever see, was a
vampire killing a human! All we were running out of this site, but what we didn't
Know is that vampires must have saddened if they did not catch us. I hope that they
Haven’t followed here and I can tell this much longer.