The Importance of Attention Grabbers in Persuasive Writing

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1. Attention Grabber

  • question
  • interesting fact or statistics
  • personal experience or anecdote
  • quote (from a famous/known/recognized person)

2. General/Background Information

  • YES – an important fact on the topic
  • NO – definition or concept of the topic

THESIS STATEMENT (main idea – it expresses both stands with their reasons)

Even though Opposing Stand + Cons Argument 1, YOUR STAND + Pros Argument 1 and Pros Argument 2.

Body Paragraph 1 (Opposing Stand)

1. Topic Sentence (Opposing Stand + 1 Cons argument mentioned in the THESIS)

2. Supporting Sentence 1 (argument from the readings – the second Cons arguments in the chart)

3. Supporting Sentence 2 (argument from the readings – the last Cons argument in the chart)

4. Refutation (the weakest Pros argument in the chart – the one you cannot support enough)

Body Paragraph 2 (YOUR Stand)

1. Topic Sentence (Your Stand + 1st Pros argument mentioned in the THESIS)

2. Supporting Sentence 1 (a fact from the readings to support your Topic Sentence)

3. Supporting Sentence 2 (a fact or an example from the readings to support your Topic Sentence)

4. Conditional Sentence (a sentence related to your Topic Sentence)

Body Paragraph 3 (YOUR Stand)

1. Topic Sentence (Your Stand + 2nd Pros argument mentioned in the THESIS)

2. Supporting Sentence 1 (a fact from the readings to support your Topic Sentence)

3. Supporting Sentence 2 (a fact or an example from the readings to support your Topic Sentence)

4. Conditional Sentence (a sentence related to your Topic Sentence)


1. Restatement of the THESIS STATEMENT (write the main idea with different words emphasizing YOUR STAND)

2. Recommendation/Call for action/Leave and insightful thought

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