Human Anatomy and Health: A Comprehensive Overview

Classified in Biology

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  • The outer ear: it is formed by the pinna and the auditory canal.
  • The middle ear: a cavity in the eardrum that reaches the oval window and the round window.
  • The inner ear: formed by the membranous labyrinth.
  • Sweat gland: this secretes sweat, cooling the body surface when it is necessary and removing certain waste substances.
  • Sebaceous gland: these secretes substances that lubricate the skin and hair.
  • Taste buds: are located inside the mouth especially on the tongue.
  • Long bones: these are long and contain spongy bone tissue at either end, as well as compact bone.
  • Short bones: these are rounded and mostly made up of spongy bone tissue.
  • Flat bones: these are plate-shaped. Formed by an inner layer of bone tissue surrounded by two layers of compact bone tissue.
  • Fixed: stop the movements, ex: cranium bones.
  • Mobile: allows bones to move, ex: elbow, shoulder and knee.
  • Semi-mobile: allow limited movement, ex vertebrae.
  • Fulcrum: where the lever rests in order for the two opposing forces to act.
  • Effort: the point where the force is applied in order to favor movement
  • Load: where the force that is opposing movement is applied.
  • Gonads: organs which produce gametes and sexual hormones.
  • Urinary bladder, seminal, urethra, penis, epidydimis, testicle, scrotum, ureter, rectum, anus, seminal tubes.
  • Semen: fluid that contains the sperm.
  • Ovulation: the release of an ovum through the ovary as a consequence of the production of HL.
  • Luteal phase: the corresponding area transforms into a mass of cells, that produces and secretes the hormone progesterone.
  • Follicular phase: last 14 days and takes place thanks to the hormones.
  • Menstrual phase: considered the beginning of the cycle. 
  • Dilation of the cervix: this is the hardest stage of birth. This is known as breaking water.
  • Fetus release: this is stage can last from 30 minutes to an hour. The fetus is extracted through a cesarean section. 
  • Fraternal twins: These originate from two ova that are fertilized by two different sperm.
  • Identical twins: these originates from a single zygote, which has divided itself into two cells that have separated. 
  • The environment: healthy surroundings should be free of biological, physical or chemical elements that are harmful to your health.
  • Personal characteristics: genetic factors, age and gender predispose people to suffer from certain types of illnesses.
  • Lifestyle: healthy habits and lifestyle are very important for staying healthy. 
  • Healthcare: it's essential to have and efficient healthcare system to guarantee public health. 
  • Vital signs are physiological parameters that inform us of our sate of health or the evolution of a disease. 
  • EXTERNAL DEFENCES: structural, biochemical, mechanical, ecological. 
  • INTERNAL DECENCES: non specific: phagocytes  // specific defences: lymphocytes and antibodies.
  • Incubation stage-> the pathogenic agents invade an organism.
  • Manifestation stage-> symptoms and signs appear.
  • Convalescence stage-> the body repairs the damage.
  • Vaccination: is a very effective method to prevent some infectious diseases and has saved countless lives.
  • Cancer: is when the cells starts to divided very fast. It forms a mass of abnormal cells called tomour.

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