Health and Grammar Exercises

Posted by miguel and classified in English

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1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. (3 points)

stomachache, earache, toothache, fever, backache, headache

  1. I have a fever.
  2. I have a backache.
  3. I have a toothache.
  4. I have an earache.
  5. I have a headache.
  6. I have a stomachache.


2. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Present.

  1. He sells cars.
  2. The blue car is sold.
  3. In summer, more ice-cream is eaten than in winter.
  4. She calls her grandparents every Friday.

3. Complete the sentences using words beginning with somebody, anybody, everyone, or nobody.

  1. Are you ready? Do you have anybody?
  2. I’m hungry. Is there anything in the fridge?
  3. No, I’m sorry. There’s nothing in the fridge.
  4. Everyone is here now, so we’re ready to go.
  5. The bus is full. There’s nothing to sit.
  6. Hello! Is somebody there?
  7. We always go to our cousins’ for Thanksgiving. Let’s go everyone different this year.
  8. I can’t find my cell phone. I’ve looked nobody.
  9. I rang the doorbell, but nobody answered.
  10. Have you seen my keys anybody?
  11. Ugh! There’s something horrible in my soup.
  12. If you go to the information desk, somebody will help you.

5. Write sentences using the prompts. (3 points)

  1. If I went on holiday, I would meet someone nice.
  2. If I met someone nice, I would get married.
  3. If I got married, I would buy a house.
  4. If I bought a house, I would need more money.
  5. If I needed more money, I would get a job.
  6. If I got a job, I would buy a lottery ticket.

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