What happened to a good man with his son

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A ROSE FOR EMILY—William Faulkner. Emily Grierson, Homer Barron, Mr Grierson(Emily’s father, he disturbs her plans of finding a husband), Tobe (Emily’s Servant) Colonel Sartoris-He absolves Emily of any tax. /// Takes place after American Civil War (1861-1865).  Society based on the economy of means. Nation represented by the white house so that meant that America had to be white. Declaration of emancipation to end with slavery, but it still existed: laws of segregation. Period of deconstruction. Black men and citizen were separated equal but in practice were unequal. Hate between north and south.///Faulkner writes about the burden of the south and the burden of the past. He was described as the writer who had best represented white and black relationship in the south. His novels try to reflect the obsession of whites with a past of decadence, defeat, family corruption and lost of values in a material world, and also the “Africanist presence”. They are similar to Greek tragedies. There are characters whose psychology is very investigated and who, most of the time, are losers.  Use of flashbacks and several narrators. He mixes present, future and past. He describes the events from the point of view of several characters, uses circular narrative and destroys the traditional structure of fiction (no beginning, development or end). We never know who is speaking. We don’t know who’s speaking. Racial questions. Modern techniques. Modern writer. Inheritor in the line of Nathaniel Hawthorne: the reader must construct his/her own reading of the events. In the vast majority of his works, the message that is implied is that there's no single valid interpretation of the experience. /// Analysis—In A Rose for Emily, we have a woman who rebels through the only ways that system permits. She belongs to the aristocracy and her family has gone into decay. She doesn’t have to pay taxes. Social class issues. Her growing older. Her father dies. She must marry a rich man. She wants to break patriarchal roles.She is not buried alive, but she buries herself in her own house and she will use the power of the system to go against the power itself she uses the cult of the true womanhood which restricts her behaviour, her desire and her sexuality to fulfil her own desires to achieve freedom. Her rebellion is not direct because, at the time, that would have ended in her death, in her exclusion from society. She uses her own restrictions to satisfy her desires. She tries to find some freedom. She cannot marry the man she loves (Homer) and she has to fight to fulfil her desires, so she buys arsenic and kills and mummifies her lover: NECROPHILIC RELATIONSHIP she can't love him in life, so she loves him in death. When she dies, people find out her lover's body and realises of what have happened. Rose: the flower of love. She loved.

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