How to Get a Good Night's Sleep: Tips and Advice

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A Good Night’s Sleep?

Expert Advice from Dr. Truman

This week, Dr. Truman offers helpful advice for common sleep problems.

1. Difficulty Falling Asleep (Insomnia)

Jason from Southampton asks: "I'm 26 and I have trouble falling asleep. I go to bed around 11 pm but stay awake until at least 2 am. I'm usually exhausted but just can't seem to fall asleep."

Dr. Truman's advice:

  • Establish a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends.
  • Avoid caffeine (coffee, tea, cola) at least 3 hours before bed.
  • Try a warm, relaxing bath before bed.
  • Consider a warm glass of milk.

2. Nightmares

Mary from Runcorn asks: "I'm 24 and I've been having terrible nightmares for the past four months. They started suddenly. My mom suggested seeing a counselor. What should I do?"

Dr. Truman's advice:

  • Reflect on any recent negative experiences that might be triggering the nightmares.
  • Talk to someone you trust about your nightmares.
  • Seeking guidance from a counselor can be beneficial.

3. Snoring

Isabel from Liverpool asks: "I'm having trouble sleeping because my husband snores really loudly. What can I do?"

Dr. Truman's advice:

  • Encourage your husband to sleep on his side, as snoring often worsens when sleeping on the back.
  • Suggest avoiding smoking or alcohol within five hours of bedtime.
  • If your husband is overweight, losing weight may help reduce snoring.

Matching Problems with Solutions

  1. Jason's insomnia - C
  2. Mary's nightmares - B
  3. Isabel's husband's snoring - A

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