The Golden Circle: Driving Innovation and Quality Management

Classified in Mathematics

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Golden circle:

This relates to the innovation. If a company is able to attract those who share its beliefs, it is also able to connect easier with innovators.

This is a graph made up of three circles, each inside the other. Each circle has a meaning and a way to apply it to our business efficiently.

We can explain the operation of the Golden Circle in such a way that while most companies ask themselves the answers to the question 'what' as their starting point, they are fully aware of the 'how', but very few companies are clear about the 'why'.

The 'what' responds to what we do and what we want to do. The 'how' responds to the processes through which we carry out our actions, and the 'why' would respond to the reason why we develop our business.

The last question, the 'why' is the most important, and to carry out the golden circle that Simon Sinek shows us, we must ask ourselves the answers to this question beforehand. Many times we may believe that it is not as necessary for success as the other two, but in reality it is the most successful companies that have answered this question in advance. That is the most urgent question.

QM / Innovation

Quality Management (QM) drives Innovation. When an organization or individual can consistently deliver products or services of high quality, such an environment provide fertile ground for the development of new, better ideas as seeds for innovation. QM, therefore, is Innovation's Driver. However, Innovation may take the wheel, from time to time. They both are great drivers, QM is the experienced, dependable fella, while Innovation can turn up the speed of the vehicle and drive like crazy. But if Innovation's new ideas are implemented well on the highway, Innovation can take you faster to your destination: a much improved product or service, and overall improvement of a way of doing things or a way of living.


Because CEOs are often the internal and external figureheads of a company, their decisions and actions have considerable impacts. CEOs can promote quality across an organization in the following ways:

  • Assess and prioritize areas of improvement based on both internal and third party quality audits
  • Dedicate a portion of the annual budget to create an internal marketing plan for employees
  • Develop a short and long-term plan for internal education, process improvements, and capital investments
  • Require departmental managers regularly report on metrics and create plans for improvement
  • Set rewards-based performance programs for quality improvements

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