Goals, Life, and Events: Theodore Roosevelt, Compromise of 1850, and More

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Goals of Theodore Roosevelt's Administration

  • Spread democracy around the U.S. and the world
  • Limit the power of big business
  • Bring about a better government
  • Help out the poor through government initiatives
  • Increase government regulation

Theodore Roosevelt's Life

  • Overcame asthma and became governor
  • Elected as President
  • Established national parks, wildlife preserves, and passed the Pure Food & Drug Act
  • Limited power of big businesses


  • The Compromise of 1850
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin
  • Dred Scott v. Stanford
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
  • The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858
  • Lincoln's Election as President 1860
  • John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry
  • Secession

Grant's Indian Policy

  • Moved Indians onto reservations
  • Assimilation - making them adapt to white culture and speaking English
  • Destruction of buffalo

Great Awakenings

  • Abolishment of slavery
  • Equality in the face of death
  • Increased scrutiny of political candidates

Compromise of 1850

  • Admitted California to the union as a free state
  • Rest of the territories could vote on becoming free or slave states
  • Slavery abolished in Washington D.C.
  • Enacted the Fugitive Slave Act

The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

  • Introduced popular sovereignty
  • Compromise by Stephen Douglas
  • States could vote on slavery

Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Book written by Harriet Beecher Stowe to expose the treatment of slaves

Dred Scott v. Stanford

  • Scott sued for his freedom
  • Owner died suddenly after being in Illinois
  • Scott considered himself free
  • Sanford won the case

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates 1858

  • Debate across Illinois
  • Douglas ran on popular sovereignty
  • Lincoln argued for the limitation of slavery

Lincoln's Election as President

  • Ran as the Republican candidate
  • Won against Douglas with 43% of the votes

John Brown's Raid on Harper's Ferry

  • John Brown, his sons, and runaway slaves attempted to seize the federal arsenal

Secession (three legal questions?)

  • Can a state leave the union?
  • Can a state seize federal property?
  • Is an elected president legally obligated to protect U.S. government property?


  • Windmill
  • Sixshooter
  • Barbed wire
  • Sod houses
  • Railroads
  • Steel plow

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