Who did George try to find out what wanted

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George ORWELL.Eric (George) was A middle-class Indian. Hi father was an officer in Burma. His mother Took him to England and there he was vrey happy. At the age of 8 he Was sent to a boarding school and it was very traumatic because he Was alone. Being middle-class, Orwell's family could afford to send Him to a boarding school. George was a smart child. In theory, the Boarding school trated all children gool, but in practise the Threatment depended on their status. Orwell felt discriminated, Undervalued by rich people. They gave him his first social injustice. They beat and called cynic for not being like the others. Eric wanted To go to University, but what he did was to be a policeman in India. He returned to Burma, which was under the power of GB, and he worked There for 5 years. He was very different from the rest of his Co-workers. He felt guilty for working as a Britain policeman in India. So, he renonced his job and chose to changed his life. He Wrote ''Burmese Days'' and his first essay ''Shooting an Elephant''. Eric was anti-imperialist. After being in India, he decided to leave Behind everything he was. He rejected the class to which he belonged, He hated himself and he felt he should be punished. He identified Himself with poverty. He didnt see them as inferiors and that's why He wanted to be like them. He went to London and developed his Experiment. He lived as a poor person. After that he went to Paris And worked washing dishes. Eric wrote ''Down and Out in Paris an London'' and ''The Spike''. Eric used as a pseudonim George Orwell, And English name that would mean a new beginning. George believed in Social justice, he was socialist. What made him different was he Thought if you had socialist ideas you would have to live according To these ideas. Orwell criticized what he called ''Radical Chic'', Socialists who didnt live as socialists. He was very critical about Russia. Orwell saw many things went wrong after the Soviet Revolution. The utopian sociaty turned to be totalitarian. The Citizens were betrayed and the new social class was very bad. Orwell Was against social classes. The next thing he didi was coming to Spain during the Civil War. He saw there a good cause and joined to The Workers Party of Marxist Unification. The Spanish left was Fragmented. George used his training as a police to train the Spanish Army. At the end he saw how once again people became victims and were Betrayed. He also worked for 2 years at the BBC but he was Dissappointed and left it because he saw the power the media had to control information.

What made George famous were his 2 Latest book. The last years of his life were hard because he didnt Take care of himself and he suffered from pneumonia and tuberculosis. Animal Farm made him rich and this book was published 2 years after It was finished. He spent his last years of life in a Scottish island And there he wrote 1984, where he talked about how people were Manipulated by the media. He thought AF had to be clear and simple, He also thought politicians use language in a very specific way to Manipulate people, not to say the truth. In the book we find the Allegory of the Soviet Union. Structure → the story follows a Chrnological order and the plot develops alongside the gradual Violation of democracy and the Seven Commandments. Narrator → Third-person.
DYSTOPIAN IMPULSE. 1984 is one of the most Representative examples of dystopian novels and it shares a few Themes with Animal Farm. 1984 is also more complex. Dystopian novels Are definitely a social critique. They are set in a distant, Futuristic time and place, which we can't identify, and yet, these Novels are actually- 1984 → 1984 is seen as a condemnation of some Specific totalitarian regimes, but it is also a warning for the Future. Orwell wants us to remember the past but compared to Animal Farm, 1984 is more dystopic and more complex. The political ideology Of the party that rules Oceania is known as “Ingsoc”, which Primarily means “English Socialism” . Some of the Party's slogans Are: “War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery;
Ignorance is Strenght.” And “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the Present
controls the past.”... ENGLISHNESS

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