General Biology Test: Questions and Answers

Classified in Chemistry

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1- Explain the process of making monomers and polymers.

Monomers are small subunits that when bound together form polymers

Polymers are formed by either dehydration or by hydrolysis

2- Define Cytoskeleton with its characteristics.

Structural framework consist of protein tubules, filaments: Microtubules, Microfilaments, Intermediate filaments

3- What is another name for protein channel that link cells?

Adhesion proteins – permit cell to stick together

4- What are the characteristics of phospholipids

Each phospholipid contains head and tail (head is hydrophilic, means it is attracted to water; the tails is hydrophobic, repels water)

5- What is the primary component of a cell membrane made of?

Phospholipids (glycerol bond, 2 fatty acids, phosphate group) Cholesterols and proteins (fluid mosaic)

6- What does the kingdom of Eukaryotes includes?

Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia

7- What is the main product of photosynthesis

Glucose and oxygen

8- What is the main characteristic of Eukaryotes cell?

Containing organelles, membrane-bound organelles, cell wall of chitin or cellulose, membranes based on fatty acids

9- What are the parts of a scientific method?

Observing, Questioning, Reasoning, Hypothesis, Testing, Collecting and Interpreting, Concluding and Posting further questions

10- Can you sequence the levels of biological organization?

Atoms, Molecule, Organelle, Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ system, Multi-cellular organism, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biosphere

11- What is the smallest living unit

Cell – mycoplasma, Atom smallest nonliving thing

12- What kingdom contain multi-cellular producers

Eukarya contain multi-cellular producers

13- What is the correct sequence of scientific method?

Observing, Questioning, Reasoning, Hypothesis, Testing, Collecting and Interpreting, Concluding and Posting further questions

14- Scientific study of life is called what?


15- Plants have cell walls made of what?


16- What is the atomic number


17- What is an ion

An atom that gained or lost electrons

18- What is the atomic mass

Protons and Neutrons

19- What is an Isotope?

Different forms of the same element (change in neutrons, some radioactive)

20- What are the characteristics of covalent bonding

Two atoms share electrons CH4

21- What are the characteristics of ionic bonding

Results from electrical attraction between two ions with opposite charges

22- What are the characteristics of an amino acid

The most common are in the proteins, It is a chain of monomers

23- What are the primary function of protein inside a cell

Permit cells to stick together

24- DNA is emphasized in what organelle


25- Proteins are emphasized in what organelle


26- What is the function of Lysosomes?

Digestion center, recycle center- Dismantle capture bacteria, worm out organelles and debris

27- What is the function of central Vacuoles?

Plants cells – watery enzyme that degrade recycle molecules, plant growth

Dehydrate the plants- no water

28- Living organism use energy to do what

Ability to work

29- How do you define an acid

Less than 7 Acids H+, Base adds OH-, or absorbs H+

30- What are the 4 major groups of organic compounds in the body

Carbohydrate, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids

31- An organelle found in plants and some members of the Protista family


32- What is the most prominent organelle in Eukaryotes cell?

Membrane-bound organelles / cell wall of chitin or cellulose / membranes based on fatty acids

33- What is the function on structure of the Golgi apparatus?

Flat membrane enclosed sacs – purpose – processing center, finishes off protein function from ribosomes, enzymes also manufacture and attach carbohydrates to protein or lipids, also makes lysosomes.

34- What does the Mitochondria do?

Uses cellular respiration to extract its energy from food, has own DNA (plants and animals)

35- Which scientist was given credit for first using the word cell

Robert Hooke

36- What scientist was given credit for formulating the cell theory

Schleiden and Schwann

37- What are the characteristics of simple diffusion

Solute moves from high concentration to less concentration (lipids, nonpolar molecules, like O2 and CO2) not use protein transport

38- What is involved in an Endergonic reaction

Requires energy input (photosynthesis), build complex molecules

39- What is the energy source of photosynthesis


40- What is an enzyme

A protein that catalyzes a chemical reaction without being consumed

This protein facilitates chemical reactions

41- How does a non-competitive inhibitor work

Molecules bind to another site other than the active site, alters shape

42- What kind of environment is there when the surrounding environment has a low concentration of ziatus than the cell


43- How is active transport different from simple diffusion

Active: cell uses proteins to move a solute against a pressure gradient, it must use energy

Simple: solute moves from high concentration to less concentration (lipids, nonpolar molecules, like O2 and CO2), not use protein transport

44- What is Phagocytosis

Large particles and debris

45- What is the first law of thermodynamics

It is the law of energy conservation. Energy is neither created nor destroyed

46- What is the name of the molecule that fits into an active side of an enzyme


47- MATCH: Molecule----- Mixture or Compound

Molecule: two or more atoms joined chemically

Mixture: two or more substances not combined chemically

Compound: two or more elements combined chemically

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