French Revolution and Spanish War of Independence: Key Stages and Impacts
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The French Revolution: Key Stages
The French Revolution was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates-General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of Western liberal democracy.
Privileged Revolt (1780s)
France faced a grave economic situation, with the populace unable to pay taxes.
National Assembly (1789-1791)
- Bastille Day: July 14, 1789
- Abolition of Feudalism: August 4, 1789
- Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen: August 26, 1789
- Civil Constitution of the Clergy: 1790
- Constitution of 1791: Established a constitutional monarchy, division of powers, and census suffrage.
Problems arose with the Pope's condemnation of the religious changes, leading to a division among the clergy. The ambiguous attitude of the King further complicated matters.
Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)
Forfeiture of property from émigrés occurred. The first political parties, known as clubs, emerged, including the radical Jacobins led by Robespierre and the Girondins led by Brissot, who wanted to extend the revolution. News of an impending foreign invasion led to radicalization and the assault on the Tuileries Palace.
Convention or Reign of Terror (1792-1795)
Universal suffrage was introduced. The Girondin government oversaw the execution of Louis XVI in January 1793. The fall of the Girondins led to the Jacobin government and a more radical constitution in June 1793. The monarchy was abolished. Increased political and social tensions arose due to the foreign military threat. Victory at Valmy against the foreign forces. Robespierre's Reign of Terror ensued, lasting a year. The Constitution of 1793 was created.
Thermidorian Reaction (1795-1799)
A reaction against Robespierre's Terror led to the Girondins' accession to power. The Constitution of 1795 was established, with census suffrage and separation of powers. Legislative power was held by the Council of Elders and the Council of 500, while the judiciary consisted of judges elected by the people. Executive power was vested in a Directory of five members designated by the Council of Elders.
Spanish War of Independence (1808-1813)
Main Structure and Summary
- The popular uprising against the French invasion evolved into a protracted and bloody war between 1808 and 1813.
- Internationally, the Spanish struggle was part of the anti-Napoleonic European wars of liberation, alongside the Russians and Germans.
- Key characteristics included broad popular participation, a desire for independence, and territorial defense against the invader. The French were associated with atheism and theft.
- The war can be divided into three phases:
- First Stage (May - late 1808): Spanish resistance against the French. Despite 150,000 men under Murat, the French failed to conquer Gerona, Zaragoza, and Valencia. The Spanish army won the Battle of Bailen, forcing the French to evacuate Madrid and Portugal.
- Second Phase (late 1808 - late 1811): French dominance. Napoleon led 250,000 men and recovered Madrid, then returned to France in January 1809. The French occupied Aragon, Catalonia, and Andalusia, except for Cadiz and Huelva. Spanish guerrillas inflicted significant damage on the invaders.
- Third Phase (1812-1813): Conventional warfare supported by guerrillas. The French, strained by wars in Spain and Russia, retreated towards the Pyrenees, pushed by the Spanish and the Anglo-Portuguese army under General Wellington. Major battles included Arapiles, Vitoria, and San Marcial, ending the French military presence in Spain.
- Consequences of the invasion and war included approximately 300,000 casualties, Madrid changing hands six times, economic catastrophe, and the collapse of the Spanish empire in the Americas. The war also marked the transition from absolute monarchy to a liberal state and contributed to the erosion of Napoleon's army, which suffered 350,000 casualties.