Formation of Solutions: Types and Properties

Classified in Chemistry

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How Solutions are Formed

The particles that make up a solution are in constant movement: they move faster as they go from solid state to liquid state. This happens until we obtain a homogeneous system where all its parts have the same properties. This movement is responsible for them mixing together.

Types of Solutions

Gaseous Solutions

The most important is air.

Liquid Solutions

The most important liquid solutions are those that involve water. When the forces with which the water molecules attract the molecules of the solid are greater than the forces acting between them, the particles separate and form the solution.

Solid Solutions

Alloys are mixtures of metals obtained by mixing together the melted components.

Diluted Solution: Amount of solute small in comparison with the solubility.

Concentrated Solution: Amount of solute is near solubility.

Saturated Solution: Has the maximum amount of solute and cannot dissolve any more solute.

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