Final Test 2 Level 1

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  • 1 work out
  • 2 give up
  • 3 take off
  • 4 take after
  • 5 turn down
  • 6 start up
  • 7 set off
  • 2 a
  • 2 b
  • 2 c
  • 2 b
  • 2 a
  • 2 b
  • 2 a
  • 2 a
  • 3 travel arrangements
  • 3 user-friendly
  • 3 search party
  • 3 guided tour
  • 3 price tag
  • 3 road accident
  • 4 unpredictable
  • 4 inequality
  • 4 disadvantage
  • 4 impractical


  • 1 which
  • 1 began
  • 1 survived
  • 1 was set up
  • 1 has worked
  • 1 faces
  • 1 have been passed
  • 1 should be sent
  • 2 do … think
  • 2 work
  • 2 should have made
  • 2 stopped
  • 2 had … spent
  • 2 will help
  • 2 going out / that we go out
  • 2 will have dated / will have been dating
  • 3 not to take any photos of the villagers
  • 3 have appreciated everything you did for him
  • 3 doesn’t have to be returned until next week
  • 3 he visits his grandmother
  • 3 I would apologize to Sean
  • 3 notice Valerie if she weren’t so shy
  • 3 are destroying rainforests in South America
  • 3 are having their teeth checked (by the dentist)
  • 3 repair your computer if I could

Final Test 2 Level 2


  • 1 T
  • 1 F
  • 1 T
  • 1 F
  • 1 F
  • 1 T
  • 1 F
  • 1 T
  • 1 T
  • 2 shocked
  • 2 homeless
  • 2 came up with
  • 2 effective
  • 2 shelter
  • 2 volunteers
  • 2 rescued
  • 2 spending time
  • 2 grateful
  • 2 make a difference


  • 1 had eaten
  • 1 smells
  • 1 went down
  • 1 has played
  • 1 will have saved
  • 1 was having
  • 1 will be waiting / will wait
  • 1 had heard
  • 2 directed
  • 2 is held
  • 2 began
  • 2 includes
  • 2 has grown
  • 2 concentrates
  • 2 has been considered
  • 2 have started / have been started
  • 2 is being planned / has been planned
  • 2 will be
  • 3 She would meet us today if she had time.
  • 3 He might not have recognized you.
  • 3 I asked him why he was upset.
  • 3 They can’t be telling the truth.
  • 3 We couldn’t concentrate while the building was being renovated.
  • 3 My neighbors, whose house was destroyed in a fire, are staying in a shelter.
  • 3 I shouldn’t have asked them about their financial problems.

Final Test 2 Optional Reading

  • 1 a
  • 1 c
  • 2 F – “... many digitized books are available free of charge ... ”
  • 2 F – “... publishers believe ... nothing to fear from the e-book.”
  • 3 buy as many of their books because many e-books are free
  • 3 are likely to be popular with a wide audience
  • 3 to create a “buzz”
  • 4 altogether
  • 4 currently
  • 4 ensures
  • 4 reject


Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

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