Film Techniques Glossary
Classified in Arts and Humanities
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Camera Work
Camera work involves various techniques to convey meaning and emotions. These include:
- High/Low Angles: Used to show dominance or inferiority.
- Point of View/Over the Shoulder Shots: Encourage audience identification with the character.
- Camera Movement: Suggests character's state, such as fast-paced or anxious.
- Two Shots: Emphasize the relationship between characters.
- Zoom: For emphasis.
- Close-Ups: Capture emotions and reactions.
- Long/Establishing Shots: Show setting and costumes.
Common camera shots include establishing shot, master shot, close-up, mid-shot, long shot, wide shot, two-shot, aerial shot, point of view shot, over the shoulder shot, high angle, low angle, canted angle.
Camera movements include pan, tilt, track, crane, Steadicam, hand-held (shaky effect), zoom, and reverse zoom.
Editing techniques create connections and convey information:
- Cutting: Joining shots together.
- Shot/Reverse Shot: Shows conversation between characters.
- Eyeline Match: Shows what a character is looking at.
- Graphic Match: Links consecutive shots through similar visuals.
- Action Match: Shows different angles of the same action.
- Jump Cut: Removes a portion of a shot.
- Crosscutting: Shows simultaneous scenes.
Transitions include dissolve, fade out/fade in, and superimposition.
Other editing techniques include slow motion and long takes.
Sound elements contribute to character and setting development:
- Diegetic Sound: Originates from within the scene.
- Non-Diegetic Sound: Added sound, like music or voiceover.
- Sound Bridge: Links scenes through sound.
Sound categories include dialogue, voiceover, direct address (actor speaking to camera), sound mix, and ambient sound.
Mise-en-scène refers to the visual elements of a scene:
- Location: Where the scene takes place.
- Set Design: The appearance of the setting.
- Costume: Character's clothing.
- Make-Up: Character's appearance.
- Props: Objects used in the scene.
- High Key Lighting: Bright lighting.
- Low Key Lighting: Dark lighting.
These elements provide information about characters and the setting.