The Feminist Approach: Gender Roles and Changes in Families

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Feminists are also critical of the family. They accept that biological differences exist between women and men. Many differences are actually created by society. The family contributes to the creation of these differences through primary socialization problems. Young children learn how they are expected to behave not only as individual people, but as males and females. Feminists argue that families are patriarchal, based on male power and dominance over women.

Domestic Violence within Families

Some approaches highlight the apparent increase in violence within the home in order to show that families are not necessarily havens for their members.

How Have Relationships within Families Changed Over Time?

Sociologists touch upon issues of gender and age divisions within families. The role of relationships has changed over the last years, and role relationships today may vary according to social class and ethnicity.

Changes in the Domestic Division of Labour

Some sociologists argue that one important change within families is that of the move towards greater gender equality. It has been suggested that the domestic division of labour is more equal today as men are now more involved in housework. Before, the conjugal roles were segregated and unequal. Before, families were male-dominated.

The Symmetrical Family

The symmetrical family was one in which gender role segregation still existed, but the home was now more democratic and equal. Husbands were more likely to help with housework and childcare, and the family was home-centered.

How Do We Explain the Movement to Symmetry?

Social changes help to explain the changes: the rise in feminism had an impact on role relationships. More effective forms of contraception mean families can now be planned, and many women are financially independent. There has been an increased interest in home life. As a result of male unemployment, many husbands have become more involved in domestic tasks.

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