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According to experts, the Venezuelan economy started to go bad when Chavez took power, and everything worsened when Chavez died and Maduro

took the presidency.

 As a consequence of socialist policies, 4 million people left Venezuela, mainly young people, which is seen in the surveys. The main things is that there

are no job opportunities, precarious conditions and a minimum salary of 2 dollars.

The young people who stay are because they usually have nationalistic feelings, which is reflected in the protests where the majority are young, who ask

to be freed from the socialist murderer.

While the United States is a prosperous country, which thanks to its President Donald Trump is increasingly a nation with a better economy. His minimum

wage is $ 7 an hour.

While in Venezuela, young people demonstrate on the streets asking to leave a socialist dictatorship. In the United States, young people manifest

themselves in movements such as Black Lives Matter, whose founders Patrisse Cullor and Alicia Garpa have admitted their annex to the Venezuelan

dictatorship, and another group of young people says that although whites die more in the United States, they say there. Lives matter are attacked. These

same left-wing protests are what young people like Ben Shapiro say take advantage of minority pain, to promote things like the inclusive language,

which some say is anything but inclusive, because it does not work for people with disabilities like the deaf, many have said that it is an unscientific

language that part of the young people refuses to use.

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