FAmily matters

Classified in English

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I usually wake up at 5:00, I

get out of bed at 10 and then

I take a shower. After the sho

wer I usually do like 60 push-u

ps and then I have a cup of co

ffee and sometimes cereal or

a glass or orange juice.I drive

to work and I usually leave ho

me at 5:45, I get to work arou

nd 6:50 amI drive home for an

hour or more and I get around

 5:40 PM. I eat some snack and

 sometimes I take a nap for ar

ound 20 minutes.I check social

media, watch the news and have

lunch with my family. Then I deci

ded if I have to prepare someth

ing for tomorrow, do exercises

or watch a movie or TV show.

i am going to wath I usually

go to bed around 11pm

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