Exploring Possibility and the Future: A Grammar and Vocabulary Exercise

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Talking About Possibility and the Future

Expressing Likelihood

Rewrite the sentences using the appropriate modal verb:

  1. He will be likely to come. > He is likely to come.
  2. This project will be bound to be successful. > This project is bound to be successful.
  3. I was about to switch jobs.
  4. The chance that they will agree with our plan is not high. > They are unlikely to agree with our plan.
  5. Your children aren't likely to recycle in the future. > Your children are unlikely to recycle in the future.

Circle the correct modal verb:

won't need to, ought to, must, shouldn't, mustn't, should, don't have to, should

Speculating About the Past

Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in the perfect tense:

  1. They should have separated years ago.
  2. They can't have arrived yet; it's too early.
  3. It must have been love.
  4. We could have failed, but we didn't.
  5. She might have won if she had tried harder.

Choose the correct modal verb:

must, should, don't have to, mustn't, shouldn't

Verb Tenses

Put the verb into the correct tense:

  1. be taught
  2. is smoking
  3. were sent
  4. paid
  5. had been asked
  6. wasn't brought

Complete the sentence with the correct modal verb in the perfect tense:

  1. They should have separated years ago.
  2. They can't have arrived yet; it's too early.
  3. It must have been love.
  4. We could have failed, but we didn't.
  5. She might have won if she had tried harder.

Causative Passive

Complete the sentences with the past participle of the verb:

  1. repainted
  2. replaced
  3. built
  4. repaired
  5. installed

Passive Voice: Verbs with Two Objects

Identify the correct passive voice construction for each sentence:

  1. I was taught French by Mr. Burton.
  2. It has been left to us for safekeeping.
  3. A free mobile phone is being offered to everyone.
  4. Lots of emails are going to be sent to us about this ad.
  5. Nobody has been shown the ad yet.
  6. The right product needs to be given to the customer.
  7. All our customers have to be written a letter.
  8. A picture of the new car should be shown to us.
  9. They were given a certificate for attending the course.
  10. All of their customers were sent cards.

Conditional Sentences

Correct the underlined verbs in the conditional sentences:

  1. Wouldn't have had
  2. Would he have played if he had practiced?
  3. Will give
  4. Would come
  5. Would have been
  6. Would not have become / had not been
  7. Would not have believed / had not seen

Put the verb into the correct tense in the conditional sentences:

  1. hadn't practiced
  2. had walked
  3. had had
  4. would not have been
  5. would not have gone
  6. would he have managed

Causative Passive: Choose the correct form of the verb:

  1. had/got painted
  2. are having renewed
  3. should have designed
  4. is going to have checked
  5. Did you have it designed?
  6. Have had repaired

Adjectives with -ing and -ed

Match the adjectives with their correct form:

annoying, intrigued, motivated, stunning, embarrassing, engrossed, frightening, confused, amazing, intrigued

Relative Clauses

Join the sentences using a non-defining relative clause:

  1. The story, which is intriguing, is not true. / The story, which is not true, is intriguing.
  2. This man, who is a famous medium, is very rich.
  3. 1948, which was a very cold year, was the year she was born.
  4. The ghost, whose name we never knew, appeared five times.
  5. York, where we went last year, is a very old town.
  6. Max, who is my brother, can read poems.

Adjective Pronouns

Match the adjective pronoun with its corresponding function:

Who, that, where, whose, why, when

Word Order: Prepositions

Complete the sentences with the correct preposition:

  1. =
  2. looking at
  3. putting on
  4. looking for
  5. running down
  6. put up with

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