Evolution of the Social Doctrine of the Church: Key Milestones
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A New Political Order in Eastern Europe
A new political order emerged in Eastern Europe. The ethnic problems and nationalism, silenced for years by the uniformity of the Soviet regime, and the severe economic crisis have led to the split and the birth of new countries, many of which now experience bloody conflicts.
Key Principles of Economic Organization
- Both capital and labor are needed to contribute to production and economic organization.
- Faced with socialism and capitalism, the emergence of intermediate systems is advocated.
- The ante-Christianization of the social and economic order and the removal of the working masses. Christian charity intends to supplement justice, to ensure that all members feel part of the same family.
Pius XII and the Application of Encyclicals
Pius XII chose to apply the contents of the previous encyclicals to the circumstances he faced in society. He used his speeches, addresses, and, especially, radio messages. Many messages were directed to war prisoners and abandoned children.
Third Industrial Revolution and Global Changes
- The third industrial revolution saw the development of atomic energy, the proliferation of sophisticated weapons, and a revolution in the world of communications with the expansion of television and advances in transportation.
- Countries in Africa and Asia became independent, having been under colonial rule.
- Differences between the first and third worlds are enlarged more and more.
Major Documents of the Era
- Mater et Magistra: The 70th anniversary of Rerum Novarum (1961).
- Pacem in Terris (1963): The major policy document of the era. It was addressed to "all men of goodwill".
Gaudium et Spes: A Crucial Step
Gaudium et Spes was a very important step of the Social Doctrine of the Church.
The introduction highlights the tensions of modern man. The first part focuses on the study of dignity and community nature, and the mission of the Church in the world. The second part examines the most pressing problems of humanity (family, progress, economic, social, and political life, and promoting peace).
Further Developments
- Encyclical Populorum Progressio (1967)
- Apostolic Letter Octogesima Adveniens (1971), published to celebrate 80 years of Rerum Novarum
- Pontificate from 26/8/1978 to 28/9/1978
- Always smiling.
- "Humilitas" on the pontifical coat of arms
- In his enthronement, he rejected the papal tiara and his coronation (honesty).
Later Encyclicals
- Laborem Exercens (1981)
- Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (1987)
- Centesimus Annus
Purpose of the Social Doctrine of the Church
The purpose of the Social Doctrine of the Church is to serve the individual and society by releasing a Christian perspective on earthly and transcendent matters.