Evolution of Soccer Balls: From Superball to Jabulani

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Good morning today we are going to present the evolution of soccer balls.


The superball was a soccer ball that consisted of a chamber composed of a valve that prevented the air from coming out and a seam from outside to inside that was invisible and without a flange. This ball was the first ball made without tiento

Invention of the Invisible Tiento

In Bell Ville, in the Argentine province of Córdoba between 1929 and 1931 Romano Polo, Antonio Tossolini and Juan Valbonessi conducted numerous tests and trials that culminated in the invention of the ball with an invisible tiento, a ball that continued to be used for a couple of years.

Professional Use and Commemoration

The superball was first used professionally in the same year of its invention in the Argentine Football Association (AFA). It was later used in the Italian World Cup in 1934 incorporated by FIFA. In commemoration of this invention, the National Soccer Ball Festival is celebrated every year in the city of Bell Ville.

Important World Cup Balls

Now we will say 3 of the most important balls that were used in World Cups.


Crack was a soccer ball that was created in 1960 and was used that same year in the Chilean League. Two years later it was used in the Chilean World Cup in 1962 and continued to be used until 1986. This ball was the first ball with regular spherical shape. Crack used a latex valve that allowed to keep the air longer.


The telstar was an official soccer ball used in the 1970 Soccer World Cup held in Mexico. It was the first ball that the German company adidas made available to FIFA, which had begun to manufacture them in 1963. Its name is derived from the Telstar satellite launched into space in 1960 for television broadcasts between Europe and America since the ball keeps certain similar with this satellite especially with the solar panels from where it obtains the energy.

Adidas Tango

Adidas Tango was the ball used in the World Cups in Argentina 78 and Spain 82. Its name was based on the well-known Rio Plata dance of Tango, which is considered elegant and exciting; the characteristics that Adidas claimed to have printed on the ball. The ball was initially presented as Tango Durlast. Includes variations such as Tango Barcelona.


Here we can see the balls of each World Cup and in 2010 the ball Jabulani was used with which Spain won the World Cup in South Africa.

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