Causes and Events of World War I

Classified in History

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  • 28th June, 1914:

    Serb student, Gavrilo Princip, shoots Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.
  • 28th July, 1914:

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia.
  • 29th July, 1914:

    Due to its alliance, Russia mobilizes troops to defend Serbia.
  • 1st of August, 1914:

    Germany declares war on Russia.
  • 2nd of August, 1914:

    France declares war on Germany to help Russia.
  • 3rd August, 1914:

    Germany declares war on France.
  • 4th August, 1914:

    Germany invades neutral Belgium on its way to France. Great Britain declares war on Germany.
  • 6th August, 1914:

    Austria-Hungary declares war on Germany.
  • 7th August, 1914:

    Lord Kitchener calls for 100,000 men to join the British army to defend France and Belgium.

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