English Vocabulary and Idioms

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English Vocabulary

Slot: a narrow opening
Small print: letra pequeña
Malpractice: behavior by professional against the rules
Juicy: contains details about people's lives
Trendy: following the latest trends or fashions
Apologetic: containing an apology, an excuse for a fault
Voucher: a form or ticket that serves as credit
To leak/leaky: allow liquid or gas to enter or escape
To squeak: make a sound like a squeak
Manufacturer: group who makes or produces by hand or machinery
In the midst of: if you are in the midst of doing something you're doing it at the moment
Maelstrom: a powerful whirlpool often dangerous to approach
Light years ahead/behind of somebody: to be a long way ahead
Harsh: severe, cold, freezing
Harsh: actions or speech are unkind and show no understanding
High street (UK)/ Main street (US): most of shops are
Quantum leap: a big change or improvement
(To) surpass: be better or greater than, exceed or excel
Straightforward: honest and direct, sincere, candid
Plausible: seems likely to be true, but open to doubt
To endure: to put up with, to tolerate
Be confined to: they have to stay there because they have a disability or are ill
Hard graft: hard work
Superb: excellent
Auction: a public sale
To bid: an offer of a price
Illiterate: unable to read or write
Innumerate: no knowledge of mathematics or science
Illegible: incapable of being read

English Idioms

Set out to: to intend
Take on: to agree to do
Look into: to investigate
Check out: to make inquiries
Stand out: to be highlighted
Find out: to discover
Try out: to test
Point out: to mention
Put up with: to tolerate
Back down: to concede
Back up: to support
Come into: to inherit
Fall through: to fail, to come to nothing
Fall out: argue or quarrel with someone

English Expressions

Loaf of bread, burst of applause, a pane of glass, a stroke of luck, a grain of sand, a gust of wind, a speck of dust, a stream of abuse, a ray of sunshine, a source of amusement, an item of clothing, a rumble of thunder, a puff of smoke, a state of emergency

Acoustics, luggage, research, news, transport, travels, roadworks, equipment, advice/pieces of advice, behavior, outskirts, fish, statistics/economics, scenery, traffic, police are/policeman/woman is.

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