English Verb Forms, Sentence Rearrangement, and Future Tense Practice

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Taller n° 1. I. Select the correct form of the verbs in parentheses

  1. Marissa wants to study another career.
  2. Jonathan would like to live in New York City.
  3. David likes dancing very much.
  4. Rita enjoys working out in her free time.
  5. Miriam hates washing the dishes.

II. Re-arrange the sentences

  1. Dylan would like to travel to Peru.
  2. I want to buy a new car.
  3. Clarissa enjoys going to the movies.
  4. Carlos hates playing sports.

III. Correct the mistakes and write the correct sentence

  1. She is not going to sleep a lot tonight.
  2. She is not a great singer.
  3. We are not going to travel to Mexico.
  4. We are not going to work hard next week.
  5. He is not going to visit his mother next Saturday.

Taller n° 2. I. Complete the paragraphs. Use future with Will and Be Going to.

When I grow up, I will be a really good footballer. I'm in the school team and I play three times a week. But I will train very hard, every day, so I can be really, really good. First, I am going to play for Manchester United, then Inter Milan, and then Real Madrid. Those are my favorite teams. I am going to travel all over the world and I will be famous. I am going to not get married until I'm very old, about 25. Then, I want to have two sons. I will play football until I’m 35, that’s a very long time, and I will teach my sons to play. I want them to be famous footballers, too.

III. Change these sentences into negative.

  1. He is not going to sleep a lot tonight.
  2. She is not a great singer.
  3. They are not going to travel to Mexico.
  4. They are not going to work hard next week.
  5. He is not going to visit his mother next Saturday.

IV. Write questions to these answers.

  1. Where will the party for your birthday be?
  2. How many years will Joshua meet?
  3. When are they going to travel?

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