English Grammar Practice

Classified in Language

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10 Oraciones con el verbo to be

Pronombre= I we, you, they he, she, it

Verbo= am Are is

1=I am a teacher student

2=She is beautiful

3=they are my friends

4=we´re al school

5=it is the capital

6=I am married

7=you are in the classroom

8=they are from Costa Rica

9=he is from Honduras

10=she is very happy

Frequency adverbs

Always= siempre usually= generalmente usualmente often= a menudo sometimes= a veces

Never= nunca

1= I always eat take a shower

2= I always dress

1= I usually wash clothes

2= I usually cook

1= I sometimes feed my dog

2= I sometimes practice sports

1= I never dance

2= I never sleep on the bus

Numeros cardinales

1 one 17 seventeen 1st first 17 th seventeenth

2 two 18 eighteen 2 nd second 18 th eighteenth

3 three 19 nineteen 3 rd third 19 th nineteenth

4 four 20 twenty 4 th fourth 20 th twentieth

5 five 21 twenty-one 5 th fifth 21 st twenty-first

6 six 22 twenty-two 6 th sixth 22 nd twenty-second

7 seven 23 twenty-three 7 th seventh 23 rd twenty-third

8 eight 24 twenty-four 8 th eighth 24 th twenty-fourth

9 nine 25 twenty-five 9 th ninth 25 th twenty-fifth

10 ten 26 twenty-six 10 th tenth 26 th twenty-sixth

11 eleven 27 twenty-seven 11 th eleventh 27 th twenty-seventh

12 twelve 28 twenty-eight 12 th twelfth 28 th twenty-eighth

13 thirteen 29 twenty-nine 13 th thirteenth 29 th twenty-ninth

14 fourteen 30 thirty 14 th fourteenth 30 th thirtieth

15 fifteen 31 thirty-one 15 th fifteenth 31 st thirty-first

16 sixteen 40 forty 16 sixteenth

50 fifty 70 seventy

60 sixty 90 ninety

80 eighty 100 one hundred

Días de la semana

Sunday= Domingo January= Enero

Monday= Lunes February=Febrero

Tuesday=Martes March=Marzo

Wednesday=Miercoles April=Abril

Thursday=Jueves May=Mayo

Friday=Viernes June=Junio August=Agosto

Saturday=sabado July=Julio September=Septiembre




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