English Grammar Exercises

Classified in English

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  1. Complete these conditional sentences with the right form of the verbs. (5 p)

  2. I won’t buy those jeans unless you lend (lend) me the money.

  1. We wouldn’t have seen Joe if we hadn’t come (not come) to this shop.

  2. Meet me outside as soon as you finish (finish).

  3. I wouldn’t have complained (not complain) if the service had been better.

  4. If they build a shopping centre here, the small shops will go (go) out of business.

  1. Rewrite these sentences using conditional structures. (9 p)

1. I want to go to the party but I have to finish work early.

If I finish work early, I’ll go to the party.

2. I couldn’t post the letter because the post office was closed.

I would have posted the letter if the post office hadn’t been closed.

3. You should break up with that nasty guy.

If I were you, I would break up with that nasty guy.

4. It’s a pity we didn’t bring a map.

I wish we had brought a map.

5. Edward is overweight.

He wishes he were thinner.

6. Sally wants to buy a horse but it’s too expensive.

If it weren’t so expensive, Sally would buy a horse.

7. I won’t find anything if a shop assistant doesn’t help me.

Unless a shop assistant helps me, I won’t find anything.

8. I didn’t go to the party because Tracy was invited.

If Tracy hadn’t been invited, I would have gone to the party.

9. She hasn’t got enough money yet to buy a car.

As soon as she gets enough money, she will buy a car.

  1. Rewrite these sentences using reported speech. (5 p)

1. “We’ll see Mike tomorrow”, said Susan.

Susan said they would see Mike the following day.

2. “Did you read my e-mail yesterday?” my friend asked me.

My friend asked me if/whether I had read his email the day before.

3. “Where does your sister buy her clothes?” Wendy asked me.

Wendy asked me where my sister bought her clothes.

4. “Don’t cross the road alone!” said Betty to her children.

Betty told her children not to cross the road alone.

5. “Why don’t we go to a film?” suggested Keith.

Keith suggested going to a film/that we go to a film.

  1. Rewrite these sentences using the passive voice. Try to use the most suitable structure (5 p)

  1. 1. They were repairing my car when you called.

  2. I was having my car repaired when you called.

  1. When will they discuss the matter?

  2. When will the matter be discussed?

  1. The judges awarded all the participants prizes.

  2. All the participants were awarded prizes.

  1. 4. Everyone says she’s a great cook.

  2. She is said to be a great cook.

  1. The guide could have shown us another part of the city.

  2. We could have been shown another part of the city.

  1. They have checked my eyes recently.

  2. I have had my eyes checked recently.

  1. They think the missing child got lost in the fog.

  2. The missing girl is thought to have got lost in the fog.

  1. They will turn this area into a car park next year.

  2. This area will be turned into a car park next year.

  1. They have just invited John to play football for the national team.

  2. John has just been invited to play football for the national team.

  1. Rewrite the sentences with the verbs in brackets and modal verbs. (3 p)

1. Perhaps we’ll go to Rome on a school trip. We may go (go) to Rome on a school trip.

2. It’s obvious that he forgot to water the plants. He must have forgotten (forget) to water the plants.

3. There’s no school tomorrow. We needn’t/don’t have to/don’t need to get up (get up) early tomorrow.

4. He’s got such blond hair. I’m sure he’s from Sweden. He can’t be (be) Spanish.

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (4 p)

1. He sold the car that he had bought (buy) only a few months before.

2. We’re looking forward to seeing (see) you very soon.

3. They are angry because they have been waiting (wait) for us for over two hours.

4. John forgot to post (post) the letter and I had to do it.

  1. Join the sentences using relative pronouns. Make any necessary changes. (4 p)

1. The police found the computer thief. They had been searching for him.

The police found the computer thief for whom they had been searching/(who) they had been searching for.

2. I remember the day. We bought our digital camera that day.

I remember the day when we bought our digital camera.

3. The e-mail never arrived. You sent it yesterday.

The email which you sent yesterday never arrived.

4. She is a young author. Her books are a great success all over the world.

She is a young author whose books are a great success all over the world.

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