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1.Fighting World War II

In the mid-1930s, it became clear that peace wouldn’t last For long. Japan invaded China, and in Europe, the raising of Nazi Germany under Adolph Hitler’s run posed a growing threat. Roosevelt had no choice other than Following the policy of “appeasement”, in hopes that agreeing to Hitler’s Demands would prevent war.When war broke out in Europe in 1939, Roosevelt reconsidered Entering the conflict, but the American citizens still opposed. In 1940, Congress agreed to allow the sale of arms to Britain. Opponents of involvement In Europe created the America First Committee, that included well-known figures Like Henry Ford and Charles A. Lindbergh. In 1940, Roosevelt won the elections and was the first President to be elected for his third term. He argued that the situation was Too fragile for him to leave office. When Germany invaded Russia in 1941, FDR Froze Japanese assets.On December 7, 1941 attack was the first attack by a foreign Power on American soil since the War of 1812. This gave Roosevelt the final Push to ask congress to formally declare war on Japan. The next day, Germany Declared war on the United States.American intervention was first seen in 1941, and then in 1943 It wasn’t until June 6, 1944, known as the “D.Day” that the major Involvement of American Troops in Europe began.Scientific research perfected inventions such as radars, jet Engines and early computers. During the war, women were empowered. However, This was seen by men as only a temporary arrangement.Fighting Germany also had an effect on racism. Racism was The enemy’s policy, and Americanism wanted now to defend the idea that all Citizens were equal and deserved the same rights. Some 25000 participated on The war.In 1945, Allied victory was assured. On May 8, known as V-E Day, came the formal end to the war against Germany. On 1945 FDR died. His Successor, Harry S. Truman, faced the decision of whether to use the atomic Bomb against Japan. He authorized it, and in August 6 and 9, the U.S bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, forcing Japan to finally surrender.

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