Empirical-analytical vs ontological-normative

Classified in Social sciences

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1.Definition Of methodology?

Science that analyses the way that Other sciences analyse science. Meta+logos=Above science

2.Two Methodologies?

General – Looks commonalities (about identity) of all sciences

Specific – Looks at differences in sciences, not all methods can be used in all sciences

1) Monists – Claim there is a single Methodology for all sciences, sciences use more or less the same methodology

2) Dualists – A single methodology cannot be applied to every Science 

4.Goal Of science?
   Practical – To improve the quality of Life
   Theoretical – To seek for the truth

5.Methodological Instrumentalism (Friedman) vs realism (Samuelson)
Debate about explanation and prediction.
Example: Predicting Croatian exchange rate: - good in predicting (9/10)
- doest not have single explanatory method in it
+ tablica

Realism: Theories should explain the world, and relations and theories are Representatives of the world (represent well the state of the world)
Instrumentalism: As long as Theories are good at predicting, we accept them and we are satisfied with minimum Achievement of the goal










6.What Is knowledge?
Justified true belief

7.How Does scientific knowledge differ from other types of knowledge?
  Knowledge Is information, understanding, or skill that you get from experience, rational Thinking or education.

  Scientific knowledge is knowledge that we test or Learn through systematic thinking or practice. Critical, precise, logically Reverse.

8.Difference Between hard and soft science?
Possibility of having controlled expiriment, hard can have it and soft cannot
Hard: Natural sciences, causalists, cause à effect, How come?
Soft: Social sciences, cause -> reason, For what reason?

9.What Is a controlled expiriment?
A controlled experiment is one in which everything is held constant except for One variable
In economics we have statistical effect, no control of variables one by one, But measure them all together

10. Positive And normative economics?
Positive economics – How things are, empirical, describe and explain
Normative economics – How things should be

11. Induction Problem?
Problem for what we can not make universal rules based on small sample that Will be true for all generations
In induction we don't have sample big enough to make valid conclusions
Confirmation (proof) – Non-empirical and formal science, modus ponens
Falsification – Empirical science, modus tolens (works well in induction)

12. Karl Popper, what is the criterion of demarcation  (razgraničenje) between sciences and Non-sciences?
It is their falsifiability (krivotvorenja), if they are falsifiable they are Science

13. Difference Between hypothesis and theories?
No substantial (nema bitne) difference. Theory may have many hypothesis. The Main difference is in its structure. Single theory should be consistent in Itself. Hypothesis should be consistent in theory.

14. What Means that social facts are ontologically subjective?
Status function of declaration (degree, president, wife and husband) – need collective Intentionality of acceptance

15. Can Empirical theory ever be confirmed?
No, it can only be accepted temporarily (until we reject it)

16. When Are theories internally and extrenally consistent?
     Internal – When hypothesis don't contradict eachother
     External – How good is theory in representing the world

17. What Types of variables do we have?
Nominal, ordinal, cardinal

18. Advantages And disadvantages of induction and deductions?
    Deduction: Conclusion is always right, but no new knowledge
    Induction: Conclusion is never 100% true, but ability to gain new knowledge

19. Argument – definition

The Structure where conclusion is derived from premises is called argumenting.

20. Modus tolens is a valid form and rule Of interference. It is an application of the general thruth that if a statement Is true than so is it's contrapositive.

If Interference implies Q to the negotion of Q, implies the negotion of big value.

21. External consistency – how good are Theory in representing the world

Internal consistency – no contradiction in hypothesis inside the theory

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