Effects of Finger Prick and Water Intake on Body Systems

Classified in Biology

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Finger prick:

Nociceptors in the finger are stimulated by a mechanical stimuli beginning reflex. AP occurs through graded potentials called excitatory post synaptic potentials. As ESPS summate at axon hillock and surpass threshold AP is created. This happens when an influx of sodium depolarizes the cell, while potassium effluxes. At max influx, gates close.

Sodium potassium pump begins another AP. It goes down myelinated nerve which travels to spinal cord.

Chug water

The water increases blood pressure, which affects the systems.

Circulatory System:

Increased water changes the blood and osmotic condition. The main concern is sodium levels in the body. Since the cell is diluted in water, the cell must adjust to this. Swelling occurs in rnc and also tissues since solutes are tiger outside of the system. Blood pressure will be high.

Excretory System:

Increased urine production and exertion. Hypoosmotic system stops ADH and GFR increases, resulting in high urinary input.


Heart: Norepinephrine increases and binds to beta 1 receptor. Breathing rate: Medulla oblongata will send signals to pneumotaxic center to result in more shallow rapid breathing. Skeletal muscles: Norep stems vasodilation, resulting in increased blood flow.


Cardiac: Hyperkalemia causes hyperpolarization in neurons. No AP. In hyperkalemia, kidneys secrete more K+. K+ gets stored in pacemakers of cell, so AP cannot be generated.

Respiratory (skeletal)

Mountain climbers:

PO2 is lower than at sea level. Can't saturate hemoglobin with O2 effectively. Decreased O2 level in heart and brain. Heart rate and respiration increase.


Sodium regulates water and depolarizes neurons for AP. No communication. Blocking voltage-gated sodium channels - no AP, no muscle contraction, no CO output. Toxicity causes paralysis.

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