Effective Sales Territory Management and Communication Strategies
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Effective Time Management in Sales (8-Hour Day)
- Travel: 144 minutes (30%)
- Waiting: 120 minutes (25%)
- Reports: 96 minutes (20%)
- Casual Conversation: 24 minutes (5%)
- Selling Time: 96 minutes (20%)
Effective Goal Setting in Sales
- Set realistic and attainable goals
- Establish a time frame: short-term, intermediate, or long-term
- Make goals specific and measurable
- Prioritize your goals
- Follow the S.M.A.R.T. framework
Steps to Develop a Routing/Scheduling Plan
- Map out your territory
- Subdivide the territory if necessary
- Develop a routing plan for a specific period
- Schedule according to customers' needs
- Determine call frequency
Components of the Basic Communication Model
- Source: Salesperson
- Encoding: Message development
- Message & Medium: Sales presentation
- Decoding: Buyer interpretation
- Receiver: Buyer
Four Categories of Territorial Spaces
- Intimate: 6-8 inches
- Personal: 1.5 - 4 feet
- Social: 4 - 12 feet
- Public: 12-25 feet
Four Different Communication Styles
- Supportive: Low dominance + high sociability
- Emotive: High dominance + high sociability
- Reflective: Low dominance + low sociability
- Director: High dominance + low sociability
Adapting to an Emotive Communication Style
- Be enthusiastic
- Don't be too formal
- Take time to build the relationship
- Provide support for their opinions, ideas, and dreams
- Be a good listener
Adapting to a Director Communication Style
- Be efficient, time-disciplined, and well-organized
- Identify their primary goal
- Emphasize facts and details
- Be a good listener
Adapting to a Reflective Communication Style
- Don't pressure them to make a quick decision
- Present them with facts and details
- Don't get too emotional
- Be a good listener
Adapting to a Supportive Communication Style
- Take time to discuss personal things
- Present them with facts and details
- Provide support for their opinions
- Don't disagree too openly, as they dislike conflict
- Be patient
- Be a good listener
Time Management: The 80/20 Rule
Classify accounts according to sales volume (A, B, C).
Time Management: Develop a Routing/Scheduling Plan
- Map out the territory
- Subdivide if necessary
- Develop a routing plan for a specific period
- Schedule according to customer needs
- Determine call frequency