Effective Media and Internal Communication Strategies

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Communication Media Relations

Basic Rules

Transcendence of Communication Offices

  • Function is necessary.
  • How journalists see the source.
  • Working hours of journalistic companies.
  • Preference for stable, institutional, and easily accessible communication offices.
  • Homogenization trends.
  • Official statements discourage journalistic research.
  • Capacity for misinformation and pressure.
  • Risk of uncritically embracing information.

Basic Rules

  • Attitude of accuracy.
  • Provide information.
  • Better to anticipate than to correct information afterward.
  • Consistency with professional journalists.
  • Maintain constant and honest relations.

Advice from Fortune (For Media Entrepreneurs)

  • Responsibility of the top executive.
  • Confront the facts.
  • Consider the public interest.
  • Be a source of news rather than the subject.
  • Talk.
  • Respond quickly.
  • Tell the truth or remain silent.
  • Consistency.
  • Know who you are dealing with.
  • Only speak frankly on television if necessary.
  • Be human.
  • Lawyers: Do not dispute.

Unfair or Perverse Practices

  • Informative inflation.
  • Exclusives.
  • Hiding sources.
  • Euphemisms.
  • Diverting attention with side blows.
  • Excessive courtesy.


  1. Press release (written or video releases)
  2. Press conference (invitation, development)
  3. Press kit (introductory, short-term)
  4. Interview (posture, gestures, dress, body language)
  5. Reports and articles
  6. Briefings (statements)
  7. Informal meetings (press breakfasts and lunches)

Internal Communication

Rumors are caused by communication breakdowns or lack of communication. They fulfill the following functions:

  • They meet the social needs of employees.
  • They help to interpret unclear situations.
  • They reflect the mood and morale.
  • They are an escape valve for states of uncertainty.

Increased Demand for Information in Business

This is due to the rising cultural level of the population, changes in the nature of work, and the increasing complexity and size of companies.

Functions of Internal Communication

  • Informative (explain and involve)
  • Explanatory (consider, develop, assess, and gain support)
  • Interrogative (dialogue, conflict prevention, integration, selling)

Levels of Internal Communication

  • Ascending
  • Descending
  • Horizontal
  • Diagonal (communication maintained between different levels within the organization)

The proper functioning of these four levels prevents the appearance of rumors and ensures an excellent model of interpersonal relations.

Barriers to Internal Communication

Physical, mental, and sociological barriers.

Tools for Internal Communication

Oral, written/printed, audiovisual, and combined.

Results of Excellent Internal Communication

It increases motivation and productivity, creates a climate of dialogue, develops a feeling of membership, and creates stronger relationships and solidarity.

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