Effective Marketing Communications: Strategies, Ethics, and Impact
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Marketing Communications
1. Target Audience
Who are they?
2. Communication Objectives
Awareness, knowledge, preference, satisfaction
3. Effective Communications
Advertising, publicity, sales promotion, personal selling.
Effective Advertising: 10 Rules
- Consumer-oriented
- One selling idea
- Emphasizes the most persuasive idea
- Presents a unique proposition
- Involves the consumer
- Credible
- Simple and clear
- Associates the selling idea with the brand name
- Exploits the medium
- Makes the sale
5 M's of Advertising
- Mission
- Money
- Message
- Media
- Measurement
- Credibility (provides validity)
- Imitation
- Image
- Bonding (involvement of customers)
- Retention (enduring awareness and exposure)
General Marketing
- Mass audience through mass media
- Impersonal communications
- Promotional programs
- Incomplete data for decision-making purposes
Direct Marketing
- Communicates with customers directly
- Personalized communications
- Promotional programs
- Comprehensive database
- Analysis conducted at the individual level
Benefits of Direct Marketing
- Accuracy of customer reach
- Measurable effect
- Quality of message
- Cost of the delivered message
- Increased customer loyalty
Process of Effective Selling
- Identify customer needs
- Prospect for qualified customers
- Understand the customer
- Contact the customer
- Present the product and service with the entire customer support package
- Negotiate price, terms, conditions, and make the sale
- Manage and support the account
Ways of Organizing the Salesforce
- Product focus
- Geographic focus
- Customer focus
- Country group focus
Consumer Rights
- To be well-informed
- To be protected against questionable products and marketing practices
- To improve the quality of life
- To preserve the world for future generations of consumers
Marketing Impact on Individuals
- High prices
- Deceptive practices
- High-pressure selling
- Shoddy, harmful, or unsafe products
- Planned obsolescence
- Poor service to disadvantaged consumers
Marketing Impact on Other Businesses
- Acquisition of competitors
- Marketing practices that create barriers to entry
- Unfair competitive marketing practices
Marketing Ethics
Developed by firms as guidelines for handling various issues such as:
- Distributor relations
- Advertising standards
- Customer service
- Pricing
- Product development
- General ethical standards