Effective Communication Techniques: Talks, Interviews, and More
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- Talk: A meeting where a speaker provides information and communicates with the audience.
- Objective: To inform people and create a mental connection.
- Information is informal and cannot be read.
- Talks should not last more than one hour.
- The speaker can ask the public questions, and vice versa.
- Only one person can participate in a talk as the speaker.
- The audience can ask questions during a talk.
- The presenter of a talk can be introduced or follow a specific order.
- Conference: A gathering of people who listen to and face the information others provide.
- Address: An oral argument, persuasive to some extent, addressed to an audience or one person.
- An address cannot be written as it is an oral presentation that targets the public.
- Interview:
- The purpose of an interview is to learn more about the people being interviewed.
- Direct Interview: Oral questions or a questionnaire.
- Unstructured Interview: Express your thoughts with great freedom.
- Pressure Interview: Questions are used to confuse the respondent and elicit a response.
- In a debate, one can speak of a single topic.
- Symposium: Recommended when you need to study a topic in-depth, gathering people with more knowledge on the subject.
- Phillips 66: A technique to separate a large group into smaller groups of six people to facilitate discussion. Each group discusses for six minutes.
- Seminar: A group of people who research or study a topic.
- Rumor: An escape from the emotional intentions of human beings.
- Optimistic: Confusing desire with reality.
- Pessimistic: Exposing fears or anxieties.
- Malicious: Wanting to create discord by attacking members of a particular group.
- Fear, hope, hostility, curiosity, and lack of information encourage the creation of a rumor.
- The cure against a rumor is opportune, efficient, and effective communication, both formal and informal.
- Dialogue: Conducting an informal conversation between two people knowledgeable about a topic in front of a group.
- Discussion: An exchange of views between people face-to-face to find a decision.
- Debate: An oral controversy among several people.
- Round Table: An exposure of different views on a particular topic by various specialists.
- Panel: A group of individuals with responsible and representative views or miscellaneous items.
- Educational Trial: An oral discussion in which an individual or entity is indicted or released from a penalty based on the law.