Doubly Linked List Implementation in C

Classified in Computers

Written at on English with a size of 4.75 KB.

Types definition

#include <stdbool.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

Struct Definition

typedef int tItemL;
typedef struct tNode* tPosL; //Ptr to tNode
struct tNode {
tItemL data;
tPosL next;
tPosL prev;
typedef tPosL tList;


void createEmptyList(tList *L);
bool createNode(tPosL* p);
bool insertItem(tItemL d, tPosL p, tList *L);
void updateItem(tItemL d, tPosL p, tList* L);
tPosL findItem(tItemL d,tList L);
bool isEmptyList(tList L);
tItemL getItem(tPosL p, tList L);
tPosL first(tList L);
tPosL last(tList L);
tPosL previous(tPosL p, tList L);
tPosL next(tPosL p,tList L);
void deleteAtPosition(tPosL p , tList *L);
void deleteList(tList *L);

Function Definitions

#include "doubly_linked_list.h"
bool isEmptyList(tList L) { return (L == NULL); }
void createEmptyList(tList *L) { *L = LNULL; }
bool createNode(tPosL *p) {
*p = malloc(sizeof(struct tNode));
return *p != NULL;}
bool insertItem(tItemL d, tPosL p, tList *L) {
tPosL q, r; //q--> element we want to add
//r-->element prior to q
if (!createNode(&q)) {
return false;
} else {
q->data = d;
q->next = LNULL;
q->prev = LNULL;
if (isEmptyList(*L)) {
*L = q;
} else if (p == LNULL) { //If given position is NULL, add the element at the end of list
for (r = *L; r->next != LNULL; r = r->next)
; //We move to the end of the list
r->next = q;
q->prev = r;
} else if (p == *L) { // insert at the top of the list (first element)
q->next = p;
p->prev = q;
*L = q;
} else { //insert in intermediate position
q->data = p->data; // data exchange
p->data = d;
if (p->next != LNULL) { //in case of inserting in the last position we cannot access the "previous" field of NULL
p->next->prev = q;}
q->next = p->next;
p->next = q;
q->prev = p;}
return true;}}
void updateItem(tItemL d, tPosL p, tList *L) {
p->data = d;}
tPosL findItem(tItemL d, tList L) {
tPosL p;
for (p = L; (p != NULL) && (p->data != d); p = p->next);
return p;}
tItemL getItem(tPosL p, tList L) { return p->data; }
tPosL first(tList L) {
return L;} // L always points to te first element of the list
tPosL last(tList L) {
tPosL p;
for (p = L; p->next != LNULL; p = p->next);
return p;}
tPosL previous(tPosL p, tList L) {
return p->prev;}
tPosL next(tPosL p, tList L) { return p->next; }
void deleteAtPosition(tPosL p, tList *L) {
tPosL q;
if (p == *L) { // Delete first element
*L = (*L)->next;
if (!isEmptyList(*L)) {
(*L)->prev = LNULL;}
}else { // Middle and end deletion
q = p->prev;
q->next = p->next;
if (p->next != LNULL) {
p->next->prev = p->prev;}}
void deleteList(tList *L) {
tPosL p;
while (!isEmptyList(*L)) {
p = *L;
*L = (*L)->next;
bool copyList(tList L, tList *M) {
* p -> L iterator
* q -> M iterator
* r -> tmp position
tPosL p, q, r;
bool result = true;
if (!isEmptyList(L)) {
p = L;
while ((p != LNULL) && (createNode(&r))) { // createNode() check if there's space enough to continue
r->data = p->data;
r->next = LNULL;
r->prev = LNULL;
if (p == L) { //If we are copying the first element of the list
*M = r;
q = r;
} else {
q->next = r;
r->prev = q;
q = r;}
p = p->next;} //Advance one place in original list

if (p != LNULL){ // If there's no more free space to continue
result = false;
return result;}

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