Direct Style - Indirect Style: Grammar Rules and Examples
Classified in English
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Present simple: I don't want to go to bed, Gina said.
Past simple: Gina said that she didn't want to go to bed.
Present Continuous: She is visiting her father, Adam said.
Past Continuous: Adam said that she was visiting her father.
Past simple: Tim arrived late, Mum said.
Past Perfect Simple: Mum said that Tim had arrived late.
Present Perfect simple: The train has left the station, Alvaro said.
Past Perfect simple: Alvaro said that the train had left the station.
Future will: We will feed the dog, Alvaro said.
Would: Alvaro said that they would feed the dog.
Can: I can run fast, the teacher said.
Could: The teacher said that she could run fast.
Must: I must call her, the teacher said.
Had to: Tom said that he had to call her.
E.D / E.I
today, tonight/that day, that night
tomorrow/the next, the following day
yesterday/the previous day, the day before
last night/the night
next week, year/the following week
a week ago/a week before
this, these/that, those
my/his, her