Causes and Development of World War I: 1914-1918

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Causes of World War I

European Rivalries

The enmity between France and Germany started with the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, where France lost Alsace and Lorraine. Germany became the leading power on the continent, reaffirmed by the formation of the Triple Alliance. The European balance of power depended on the British. Economic and political differences between Britain and Germany grew, and Germany began a policy of naval construction. The Triple Entente alliance would become a major military force in Europe. The great European states initiated an arms race to increase their military potency. The great powers were preparing for war.

The Balkan Conflict

The Balkan conflict was caused by the clash of interests between Austria-Hungary and Russia. The small states wanted to maintain their independence. Austria-Hungary proclaimed the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Russia encouraged states to form a coalition.

  • The First Balkan War: A war between the Balkan League and the Ottoman Empire resulted in a Turkish defeat. Russia had achieved its goal, and the countries of the league expanded their borders.
  • The Second Balkan War: Differences emerged among members of the Balkan League. Bulgaria was defeated, and the territories came under Serbian rule. Serbia doubled its size, and Russia strengthened its influence in the area.

The Balkan conflict escalated tensions in Europe.

Radical Nationalism

Small nations asserted their independence within the large states, and nationalism became increasingly radical. This created an atmosphere of tension, which facilitated the war. The European people came to accept war as inevitable.

The March Toward War

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sofia were assassinated in Sarajevo by a nationalist terrorist from the Black Hand. Austria-Hungary and Germany thought the war would be limited to the Balkans. They thought that France and Britain would not support Russia. Austria declared war on Serbia. Russia mobilized its troops against Austria and Germany. Germany declared war on Russia and France, and the UK declared war on Germany. Austria took belligerent positions against the Triple Entente countries.

War-Fighting Forces and Development

The first conflict was global and lasted over four years. Germany and its allies were called the Central Powers, and the participants were known as the Entente Allies. Two events were to cause the rupture: the Russian Revolution and the entry of the United States into the war in support of the Allies.

The Opposing Forces

Major European powers were involved in the conflict. The alliance system worked with respect to the Triple Entente but failed in the Triple Alliance. The Triple Entente countries doubled in population. British involvement was limited. The Russian mobilization had to be slow. Among the armies of the Entente, only the French could be brought online quickly. The Entente had access to raw materials. The Triple Alliance, with 160 army divisions, had the advantage of a single command and formed a geographically united bloc. The Central Powers seemed to have a head start. There was initial enthusiasm among the soldiers, and the population opposing the war was minimal, with most parties supporting intervention. The first part of the war developed in three phases: a rapid war, a war of positions, and a war of attrition.

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