The Democratic Sexenio and the Restoration in Spain

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The Democratic Sexenio

  • Prim leader of revolution
  • Development (Topete, Serrano faces the troops of Novaliches in Bridge of Alcolea. The queen take a train to France)

The glorious going to being a military uprising to a popular revolution

2) Provisional Government
  • Leader by Serrano -¿Monarchy or republic?
  • Constitution of 1869: -National sovereignty -Universal suffrage -bicameral cuts -Strong rejection by republicans and catholics
3) Regency of Serrano
  • Public finances are worrying
  • Tariff of 1869
  • Long war of Cuba: - Shout of Yara
  • Republicans sublevations: Federalism
  • The king's search
4) The reign of Amadeo I de Saboya
  • He disembark in catagena, he was a personal bet of prim, who dead.
  • Problem: Long War, 3 Carlist War and Lack of Supports
  • He dont sign de decree in Pais Vasco and he gives up the crown.
5) I Spanish Republic
  • Problems: 2 war, Public finances are worrying
  • Figueras: Abolition of slavery and fifhts, debats of unitary or federal republic
  • Pi y Margall: The carlist and labor problems are intensified, the army dont abey. general strike and cantonalist Rv.
  • Nicolás Salmerón: Tried to restore order, send Pavia and Martinez campos
  • Emilio castelar: Tried to restore order, he faces to marxistes and canton of cartagena. He resigns, and PAvia give a cup, end of republic.
6) The republic of Serrano
  • Ends canton of cartagena, 3 cuban war and I labor international.
  • Martinez campos give a cup, Alfonso XII is the king.


1) Introduction

Period when borbon dinasty is reestablishes. Moderate liberal system with alternace of power.

2) Returns of Borbonic dinasty

Afeter the give cup of Pavia, Serrano is the president. Sandhurts. Give up of Martinez Campos, Alfonso XII is the king.

3) Canovas del Castillo
  • Try to join to all monarquies around Alfonso XII. Support of church, army and reestablies censure.
  • Centralism: Mayors and diputies Chosen by the king. Abolition of basque fueros.
  • End ong 3 Carlist War and Long War
4) Constitution of 1876
  • Moderate
  • Shared sovereignty
  • Short
  • Intermediate vision
5) Bipartisanship and turnism
  • Both defends monarchy, constitution of 1876 and Liberal, Centralist and unitary state.
  • Differences: Suffrage, religion, Press, economy
  • The parties took turn in the power.
6) Electoral fraud

Minister of government created a list. civil gobernors pass this list and mayors and caciques obtenes this results.

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