Culture and Communication in the Workplace: A Comprehensive Guide

Classified in Training and Employment Advise

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Workplace Culture

Culture: The way things are done in a particular area, organization, or social class.

Company/Corporate Culture: The way a company operates and the values it holds important.

Canteen Culture: The way people in an organization, such as the police, think and talk, which is not approved by the organization's leaders.

Long-Hours Culture: A culture where people are expected to work long hours each day.

Macho Culture: Ideas typically associated with masculinity.

Communication Styles

Accessible and Approachable: Easy to reach and talk to.

Distant and Remote, Deference: Distant.

Decision-Making: The process of making decisions.

Team of Equals: A team where everyone is considered equal.

Hierarchical: Organized in a hierarchy.

Management Layers: Levels of management within an organization.

Business Etiquette

Exchanging Business Cards: The practice of exchanging business cards.

Shaking Hands: The act of shaking hands as a greeting.

Bowing: The act of bowing as a greeting.

Kissing: The act of kissing as a greeting.

Being Formal or Informal: The choice between using formal or informal language and behavior.

Punctuality: The importance of being on time.

Humor: The use of humor in communication.

Eye Contact: The importance of making eye contact during communication.

Socializing with Contacts: The practice of socializing with business contacts.

Small Talk Before Meetings: The practice of engaging in small talk before meetings.

Accepting Interruption: The practice of accepting interruptions during communication.

Giving Presents: The practice of giving gifts in business settings.

Being Direct: The practice of being direct and clear in communication.

Using First Names: The practice of using first names in business settings.

Language and Communication

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- dash _ underscore

Describing Trends

To Fluctuate: To vary irregularly.

To Reach a Peak: To reach the highest point.

To Level Off: To become stable.

To Stand At: To remain at a particular level.

To Remain Stable: To stay the same.

Verbs for Describing Trends

Decline: To decrease.

Gain: To increase.

Increase: To become greater.

Rocket: To rise rapidly.

Plummet: To fall sharply.

Double: To become twice as much.

Fail: To decrease.

Halve: To become half as much.

Level Off: To become stable.

Triple: To become three times as much.

Recover: To improve after a decline.

Decrease: To become less.

Fluctuate: To vary irregularly.

Improve: To become better.

Peak: To reach the highest point.

Rise: To increase.

Jump: To increase suddenly.

Adjectives and Adverbs for Describing Trends

Small changeSlightly
Considerable changeSharply
An increaseTo increase
A riseTo rise
A decreaseTo decrease
A dropTo drop
A fallTo fall

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