Cultural Dimensions of Spain: A Comprehensive Analysis

Classified in Psychology and Sociology

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Cultural Dimensions of Spain

Power Distance

Power Distance refers to the extent to which individuals in a society accept and expect unequal distribution of power. Spain has a high score (57) on this dimension, indicating a hierarchical society where people accept a clear hierarchy without question.


Individualist societies emphasize self-reliance and independence, while collectivist societies prioritize group loyalty and support. Spain is considered collectivist (score: 51), making Spaniards more comfortable interacting with non-European cultures and fostering teamwork in the workplace.


Masculine societies value competition, achievement, and success, while feminine societies prioritize caring and quality of life. Spain scores 42 on this dimension, indicating a focus on consensus and harmony. Polarization and excessive competitiveness are generally discouraged.

Uncertainty Avoidance

Uncertainty Avoidance measures the extent to which a society feels threatened by ambiguity and uncertainty. Spain has a high score (86) on this dimension, reflecting a preference for clear rules and a strong aversion to change and confrontation.

Long Term Orientation

Long Term Orientation describes how societies balance past traditions with present and future challenges. Spain has an intermediate score (48), indicating a normative approach where people prioritize living in the moment rather than planning for the future.


Indulgence refers to the extent to which individuals control their desires and impulses. Spain has a low score (44) on this dimension, indicating a restrained society that emphasizes cynicism, pessimism, and control over leisure activities and gratification.

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